Chapter 17

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I glared at the sand, refusing to move from the sandy sidewalk. The L.A sun beat down on Venice Beach and a nice breeze was blowing but I would honestly rather be home, playing the X-Box I no longer had.

"Come on, Sadie!" Kendall called to me from his spot with the guys. He walked over. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Do I really have to?" I moaned, missing the cool air of my car already.

"You made a bet." He reminded me, smiling. 

"Whatever." I mumbled, bending down and taking off my sandals. The other day I had gone shopping and bought new clothes, these brown braided sandals being one of them. I held them in one hand and stepped onto the beach, the white hot sand sinking in between my toes. "Happy?" I asked him as we walked to their spot on the beach.

"Yes, yes I am." He smiled, putting his hands in the pockets of his swim trunks. I dropped my towel on the ground and took my phone from my back pocket, dropping it on the top of the towel.

"You don't look happy." Carlos said and I just turned and stared at him. His girlfriend sat beside him, tanning. He had on a Miami Heat snapback.

"That's because I'm not." I told him.

"Who isn't happy at the beach?" James asked as his dog chewed on a bone at his feet,

"People who don't like the beach." I said in a 'duh' tone, unbuttoning my shorts. I slid off my shorts, adjusting my black bikini bottom. I pulled my shirt off and over my head before adjusting the black top. It was simple, with no print, and was your typical bathing suit. I bent over, gathering my aqua blue hair all together before tying it in a pony tail. I had it done yesterday and I loved it. When I stood back up my eyes locked with Kendall's and he didn't look away. I raised one eyebrow and he looked away quickly.

I laid out my beach towel and sat on it, scrolling on my phone. I could lay out but I wasn't going to get a tan. I was as white as a piece of paper, like literally. I texted Colton, asking how he was but didn't get a answer right away. As soon as he replied my phone was taken from my hands.

"Hey!" I called out, looking up in time to see Logan put my phone down his shorts. Not in his pocket but down his pants.

"Really?!" I groaned, jumping up. "Give me it." I said, glaring. I held my hand out.

"" He said, grinning. James and Kendall were watching us. Carlos and his girlfriend were off near the water.

"Give it to me or I'll get it myself." I threatened, taking a step closer to him. He stared at me and after a few seconds raised my eyebrows. I acted as though I was going to get it and he jumped, reaching down his shorts and pulling out my phone.

"Here, here!" He exclaimed, handing it to me.

"Thank you." I smiled and blinked a few times before frowning. "I really hope you have underwear on under those swim shorts." I mumbled and everyone laughed. I read Colton's reply and sent him a quick answer before putting my phone down. I was staring at my feet in the sand before Kendall sat down beside me. His shoulder bumped mine, causing me to look over at him. 

"Wanna go swim?" He asked, squinting in the sun. I glanced at the tattoos on his shoulder before shaking my head no.

"It's too far away." I told him, stretching my hand out. 

"Please?" He asked, pouting. Behind him a brunette with short hair kissed Logan, hugging him. He smiled at her, spinning her around. I shook my head at them before turning back to Kendall.

"Race ya." I grinned, before jumping up and running, sand flying behind me.

"Hey! You cheater!" He yelled from behind me and I laughed. I felt a pair of hands grip my waist and I was thrown over his shoulder.

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