That's Christmas To Me

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(A/N: This is one of my first short stories, so it isn't the most amazing, but thank you for reading :) )

Elizabeth's POV

I sat on in the rocking chair with Hazel sleeping on my chest, rocking her back to sleep. I watched the glow of the lights on her tiny Christmas tree, thinking of how special today would be. It was her 1st Christmas with us: I smiled back to when we had adopted her, she was only a year and yet it seemed like she had always been a part of us. She was truly a a blessing, I started thanking the Lord for all that He has done and given but especially for His Son and the reason why we all gather for the holiday. I gently kissed Hazel's soft head of black hair before laying her gently down into her bed. I return to my bed climb in, not long after I fall asleep.

In the morning after a short and quick breakfast, we all gathered around the brightly lit tree. I smiled widely with joy as I saw the kids faces at how many presents there were. They all thanked us right away and we both nodded. Soon gifts began to pile up and trash bags were filled with much wrapping paper. Laughter and love was evident after we sat there and lifted a quick prayer for all the gifts and the Greatest Gift of all. Afterward, we all headed upstairs to put our stuff away and get ready before we headed over for our get together. 

"Ready?" Jeremiah asked as I came out of the bathroom, I nodded as I placed my make-up back in it's bag, "good" he said smiling and took my hand. "Kids! Come on, we don't want to be late!" He shouted down the hall and an echo of okays rang out. We walked downstairs and I thanked him as he helped me with my coat. "As you wish" he whispered and placed a kiss on my forehead before zipping up his own coat and I blushed slightly before grabbing the diaper bag. We all piled out and into our large car, heading to my parent's home. This year we were gathering there for lunch, since last year our family gathered over at Jeremiah's parents' house. My other siblings did it the same way, and we all switched it around. Every other year we'd spend the evening with our family and then it'd switch the next year were it was lunch: it worked out well for the most part. 

We arrived about 15 minutes later and I smiled as Rory, their Golden Lab, came running over after we parked. Legolas, their English Setter and Tauriel, there German Shorthair Pointer, stayed where they were.

"Hey girl," I whispered, petting her head and smiled as she licked my hand. The kids all greeted her before I heard a familiar voice.

"Rory! Come here right now! Let them come in!" Mom shouted and I laughed as Rory barked and trotted back over as we followed behind. "Welcome, not everyone has arrived yet, we're waiting on Sarah, Zeke, and Marcus," she said and I nodded. She greeted all the grandkids and Jeremiah before going back to the kitchen. I smiled widely and hugged my two older sisters, Miriam and Grace. 

"Oh my goodness, look at you! Don't you look gorgeous! I love this scarf and those shows, and the shirt, really Lizzie, you know how to spice it up for sure." Grace said and we all laughed.

"Thank you, I love your shoes and your shirt Miriam, it brings out your eyes. By the way, how are are you feeling Miriam?" I asked smiling at her bump, she smiled widely and rubbed it for a second.

"Fine, a little sore, but all is well, I can't wait to meet the little girl." She said grinning and I nodded in agreement.

"And how's little Margo doing?" I asked Grace, asking about her 1-year-old daughter.

"Oh, she's active as ever." She laughed and I giggled, nodding in agreement as I saw her zoom past giving Atticus a big hug as she yelled his name. "Oh, Jonah's 1st sister and her family will be joining us since they were up hear visiting some family friends and their flights were canceled, her name is Jacqueline and her husband's is David," Grace said smiling and I nodded in response. Leia came over with Elinor on her hip while Evie and Judah toddled behind since she had their pacifiers. 

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