The Ultimate Gift

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This fic is dedicated to my dear friend NoctusFury! And it is also a little present to him for his birthday! Which is today!! So say happy birthday and go check out his profile on FFN and here! He's a fellow How To Train Your Dragon fan and an amazing guy and an incredible author fyi!

Also, this was written with Homecoming in mind, but started before it came out, and it's kind of what I hoped to happen! So enjoy!

Hiccup looked across the faces of the children as they all leaned in closer as the story came to a close. "And that kids, is how a boy and his dragon saved their Tribe," he smiled and all the kids cheered. A few began to run around again, their arms spread, imitating flying. Others came closer to ask who the boy was and what happened after that. He laughed softly at all their questions, telling them they could learn more tomorrow. They were satisfied with that and ran off to find their parents. Zephyr, Nuffink and one of the youngest children of the Berkians remained. He bounced little Dagmar softly and smiled as her mother retrieved her. 

The sudden emptiness brought a painful reminder of the heartache from the past few years. He tried to brush it off and he momentarily was distracted as Zephyr and Nuffink took hold of his hand. He smiled softly down at the two beside him and stood as they made their way towards the festivities. He tried to push back the sorrow, reminding himself that he had two perfectly amazing children; but the memory pressed forward. He blinked back the mist from his eyes and sighed softly.

3 years before

The air was warm from the fire that blazed inside, chasing away any bit of chilliness. My eyes turned to my mother as Astrid rested for a moment. "They're still asleep, don't worry," she smiled as she seeped the cloth with some warm water.

"Alright my dear, you ready?" She asked and I looked at my mom, more than grateful that she was here. Astrid's own mother would've come, but she was away with the rest of the Hofferson Clan, to celebrate a family member's wedding, specifically a cousin of Astrid's. So having my mother here was more than a blessing, and I don't think Astrid would've wanted anyone else. A shrill cry brought my focus back to Astrid as her body arched, most of her weight on me. I remained calm and gently encouraged her, knowing she would relax.

"It'll be over soon, you've got this," I whispered and she let out a deep breath as the pain subsided for a moment. Her hand squeezed my own as she nd leaned her head a little closer. "We'll be holding the little one soon," I murmured softly. The pain came once again and she whimpered softly. I squeezed her hand softly, offering a bit of encouragement and it was all she needed. A moment later a cry pierced the air as the child was placed on Astrid's chest. 

"You have a son," Valka smiled proudly as she placed a warm cloth over both of them. I fought back the tears as I looked down at the child, who was very much alive. Relief washed over me at the sight and I leaned forward, peering down. Nearly a year ago we had lost a baby early in the pregnancy, it was painful and came as a shock. But five moons later we found out we would be welcoming another. Waiting for him had brought so much hope and joy into the family as we healed from the loss and anticipated his arrival. 

"And now he's really here," Astrid whispered, echoing my thoughts. I laughed softly, wiping the tear that had fallen from her cheek. 

"You were amazing," I whispered, planting a kiss on her forehead before looking at our son. I gently stroked his head as he peered up, his eyes squinting open as Astrid gently spoke to him. "He looks a lot like Zephyr," I smiled, feeling a little sense of pride at the fact, considering Zephyr had many similarities to her grandfather.

"But with Finn's hair color," she added as she held him close and I smiled, tucking a few of her hair strands behind her ear as I watched the two. 

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