New Beginnings

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AN: If you have NOT SEEN Star Wars then read at your own risk, if you cannot see Star Wars then I advise to not read, if you can but haven't, then do so, RIGHT NOW, and if you have only seen Episode VII, wellll, then you probably won't get a lot of this anyways. So all I am saying is read at your own risk, this could or could not contain spoilers for you, so it's your choice. It's a great story though, even if you haven't, but if you do plan on watching Star Wars, then watch it first before reading this :) 

This is my spin on Star Wars if Episode III: Revenge of the Sith had ended differently)

Leia's POV

I hesitantly stood in the hallway, peering into the bedroom. My mother was on the bed and father stood next to her. My brothers, Luke and Paxton, pushed past me, running to father. I slowly walked in and my parents looked to me, their faces bright with joy. A small face appeared from the swaddled being in mother's arms as I stepped forward. "Leia, come here and meet your new sister," Father whispered and I smiled widely, I finally had a sister. Father lifted me onto the bed and I knelt close to Mother. Luke and Paxton were already peering over her as they looked over Mother's shoulder.

"Leia darling, do you want to hold her?" Mother asked and I smiled brightly. 

"Can I?" I asked, feeling excitement at the prospect.

"Of course," she answered with a smile, as she gently placed the tiny being into my waiting arms. I looked down into my baby sister's face, her bright eyes looking up at the light. 

"She has lots of hair," I giggled, noticing the brown tuft of hair on her head, watching as she yawned a bit. 

Mother smiled with a nod, "yes, similar to you," she smiled. I grinned and planted a small kiss on her head.

"What's her name?" I asked, looking up for a moment.

"We've decided on Alora," Mother answered with a smile, holding my father's hand.

"I love it, and her," I grinned, giving her another kiss.

"Leia, do you want to let your brothers have a turn now?" Father asked and I sighed, but looked up at him.

"Can I hold her again, after they're done?" I asked and he chuckled, nodding his head yes. I grinned and waited patiently as Luke held her and then Paxton, whom mom helped since he was only three.

Padme's POV

I watched as Leia's eyes sparkled, doting over her baby sister. I had hoped for this, but the two had a stronger connection than I had expected, but I was thankful. I yawned tiredly, my body was sore and tired, but the little girl was worth it. Both boys were instantly smitten, and I was grateful, considering Luke had wanted another brother. Before long Ani had to remind Leia she needed to go to bed, she reluctantly agreed and gave Alora back. She hopped off the bed and followed her maid to her bedroom. I watched the two leave with a small smile.

I turned as I watched Anakin with Alora, he gently cradled her in his arms, tenderly kissing her forehead, his attention focused on her. He smiled as his big hand enwrapped her tiny one and he whispered to her as he stroked her head. My heart swelled with love for both, moments like these were treasured as I knew it could've taken a turn, years before. The thought of not getting to see the twins grow up or knowing Paxton or Alora wouldn't even be here, made my heart ever grateful for these days. Especially when so many were spent fighting the Separatists' ways, bringing the war to an end. But there was hope and that's what we fought for.

Tears began to fall as I thought of all these things and Anakin noticed, immediately sitting down and placing a firm, but gentle hand on my back. "What's wrong? Why are crying?" He asked, concern shining in his eyes. I looked up at him and shook my head, unable to speak. I laid my head on his chest and cried softly, he embraced me with one arm and I leaned in closer.

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