The Voyage

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(A/N, not everything in this is entirely accurate, but much of it is true Happenings back in the sailing on the Mayflower and settlement of Jamestown. If you wish to know all that happened, there are a couple sites where you can find accurate and true recordings of the events that took place, just by searching Jamestown Settlement History.)

Canterbury, England 1620

Ruth's POV

The lights in the alley dimly lit my way as I hurried along, time was of the essence at the moment. I kept my head low and covered by my dark hood. I held the letter close to my chest, delivering this was of high importance, it contained my way to freedom, excitement rushed through my veins. For 17 years of I had lived in this small, droll and wet town. I had two sisters and two brothers, all older and all married, Abigail was the only one without any children yet. All the others had them and I was not going to be one to sit around with children and a husband and never experience the thrill of life. Sure I want those things, but not where I'll have to attend every ball or gala we hold, or where I have to always be a "lady". No, I was going to America, the Land of Freedom, I wanted to start a new life there. I was thankful that one of my sisters and brothers were going, bringing their family with them, so I won't be completely alone. Though I will miss my family I wasn't going to stick around and wait for adventure to find me, when I could find adventure out there.

I quickly headed to the little Inn, also a cafe, I walked over to a darker corner and looked around. I found the man I was looking for and walked over, sitting down across him. "John Carver?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, and you are?" He asked quietly as he sipped some coffee.

"My name is Ruth Allerton, my brother Isaac and his family, as is my sister Elizabeth Hopkins and her family, are boarding your ship this month and I sir, have permission from my family to come with you, here is a letter. I will need a response in two days at the longest. I know I may not seem much but I am willing to work hard." I said standing up to go but I paused when he said to wait.

"Just tell me, why should you, a mere girl wish to go to the Americas?" He asked and I smiled lifting my head slightly to see his face.

"Everyone needs to start somewhere," I answered before I left quickly, going back into the shadows. I traveled back to my home and slipped in. My parents had already gone to bed by now but our Greyhound was still up, I smiled and scratched Olive's head before quietly stepping up the stairs. I sighed as I slipped into my nightgown before climbing into my bed. I thought of all that happened in the past few days. Elizabeth saying how she was joining Isaac, herself being able to muster up the courage, after Isaac and Elizabeth had returned, and telling her parents, them praying about it. Then how they said yes and finally the letter they wrote for John Carver and now all I had to do was wait for a response. It was an exciting time that would be coming I hoped. I could hardly stay awake though and soon I drifted to sleep.

The next day was uneventful with doing chores and sewing, music, embroidery and reading, it was a little droll. As for Friday, it ever so happened that two letters from John Carver arrived, one directed to me and the other to my parents. As quickly as I could I delivered the letter to Papa and Mama and the other I opened as I sat in the hall outside of Papa's office. I read the letter quickly and gasped excitedly. He had agreed to my parent's wishes and had given them a list of things I would need for the journey, not much and that I'd have to be ready by Sunday. Soon enough I was upstairs, packing the things I needed while Papa and Mama gathered the other things. I could hardly wait for Sunday to come now, it was beyond exciting to think I would be going on a journey to America. An adventure that held new beginnings and new promises.

Five Years Later...

Laughter filled the air as children of mixed colors played a game of kickball, chatters of the women arose as they did daily chores, some were out in the field though along with their husbands, the rest of the men either were hunting or forging metal or carving something. Little would you know though, by looking at the happiness and contentedness in the village, that it had taken much to get where they were. Many had died the first winter from either sickness or starvation, including Isaac's wife Mary, although he had become Governor after John Carver had died. Elizabeth's youngest boy, Oceanus, was now 3 and a feisty little guy as well. He had been born on the Mayflower, they had almost lost him, but he proved to be a fighter. Others hadn't been very lucky, some had gone while others had come. Thankfully though the natives, the Powhatan Tribe, were strong and kind, although some disputes happened, all had begun to turn over new leaves. 

My thoughts kept me busy as I hung the clothes on the line, my protruding stomach making it hard to bend. Thankfully though I had my little boy, Jedidiah, helping me. I heard him giggle and I raised an eyebrow but said nothing as I strung one of his shirts over the line. "Got you," a voice said as arms pulled me back, I jumped and was about to ram my elbow on my attacker but Jedidiah started laughing hard and I heard Joseph's deep laughter as he let go of me slowly. "Did you see her face Jed?"

Jed laughed and nodded his head, smiling as he looked up at me. "And when I pulled her back, I bet she thought I was some heathen kidnapping her." He said and I gasped, making Jed erupt into a fit of giggles. I tried to stay angry but I couldn't help but laugh once Joseph was laughing as well, Jed's laugh was really contagious. Once the laughter had died down, smiles though still on our faces, we stood up and I told Jedidiah to go and wash up for dinner.

"But mamaaa..."

"No, no, don't you be giving your mom any buts, she says something and you go do it. You hear me?" Joseph asked, raising an eyebrow. Jed nodded his head quickly. "Good, now hurry up, I hear we're having a roast tonight, your favorite." He said smiling and Jedidiah's face brightened before he quickly ran inside. 

"So it's roast tonight?" I said smiling as I smoothed out an apron. 

"You bet it is, and then I was wondering if a slice of apple pie after the peas and carrots and potatoes could be added?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Sure, I can spare one slice." I said and gasped as he kissed my cheek, "Joseph, not here, someone might see us." I scolded, my face blushing, but it didn't help when he turned me around and he was smiling widely. I bit my lower lip and he chuckled.

"I surely hope this baby girl is as pretty as you and I especially hope she has your beautiful blue eyes." He lovingly spoke and I smiled softly.

"And how do you know it'll be a girl and not a boy?" I asked and his own smile widened.

"Oh, I know" he whispered before planting a kiss on my lips. It caught me off guard but I smiled, kissing him back before going inside. I laughed at his face and shook my head.

"You better hurry up and come on in before that apple pie is all gone." I teasingly told him after I had entered our house. In a few seconds, he was in the house with the door shut. God had truly been faithful and gracious, there had been adventures, grief and more, but joy had always been and always will be somewhere. It's just a matter of finding it.

Hello chaps! Sooo, how'd you like it? I know I generally do more fanfiction, but I just have some pretty epic short stories that I really enjoy doing, which is why I like writing them and I hope you enjoy reading it. So as I said before most things in this short story actually did happen. The only thing that I made up is my character Ruth and her family and her actions. Isaac Allerton was a passenger of the Mayflower along with John Carver, John Howland, Oceanus Hopkins, Mary Allerton and Elizabeth Hopkins. If you research Mayflower passengers list then you should be able to find accurate occurrences. Also, do not forget to check out the awesome and gorgeous song done by  Amanda Cook from Bethel and if you could, sharing is awesome :) as is commenting and voting :D Anyhoo byeeee *boop*

P.S. this SS is dedicated to my amazing friend TheFangirlTheory because she for one is awesome and two she just reminds me of someone who enjoys going on adventures and is always joyful :)

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