A Glimpse of Beauty

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Summary: "What color is the snow?"

"It's white, a bit magical. A lot like your hair..."
A little one-shot where Elsa sees snow for the first time. Enjoy!

6 years old

"She has a pituitary adenoma," Dr. Dawson stated simply. "There is a tumor, non-cancerous, where her pituitary gland is. Because of its placement, it is putting pressure on the optic nerve. Which is why she's been having trouble seeing, along with the headaches, vomiting and nausea." He paused and looked at the two parents.

"The location of the tumor is causing vision problems. She may lose all her eyesight, or it may be partial. It will depend if the tumor will continue to grow..."

Elsa ignored the doctor's long words as she peered out the window. She squinted to see outside, focusing on the tumbling leaves. Frustration rose when the blurriness didn't leave. She sighed and turned to where her parents sat. Her father was talking with the doctor, but her mother's eyes were on her. Elsa's brows furrowed together as she noticed the tears in her eyes.

The six-year-old climbed on her mother's lap. Her hand tenderly came to her cheek, wiping a tear away. "Why are you sad mama?" She asked, her innocence of childhood tuning out the reality of the situation. "Did you get hurt?" She asked again, her cerulean eyes peering up at her mother.

Her mother sobbed and shook her head. "I'm not hurt baby, I'm okay," she whispered and brought her close. She happily obliged and snuggled into her mother's chest.


"Is there anything that can be done?" Iduna asked, holding her daughter close.

"Possibly, but I can't say. For now, we are going to give you a couple of neurologists who specialize in this. They will be able to give you a more extensive diagnosis and what can be done," he spoke.

Iduna nodded softly, looking at her husband as he took the folder. After Dr. Dawson exited the room, they sat there for a few moments in silence. The weight was heavy in the room as they digested the news. Worries sprang in Iduna's mind, but she pushed them away. She took her husband's hand and looked at him. "We'll get through this together, one day at a time," she assured him.

He gently squeezed her hand with a nod of his head. "We will," he smiled softly and looked at their daughter, quietly playing with Iduna's hair. "She's strong, stronger than she knows. We will be there, right along with her," he told her.

Iduna exhaled a shaky breath, nodding at her husband's words. "We will," she echoed her agreement. They exited the room and returned to their home. The rest of the afternoon was spent with their daughters. They made an effort to make the most of the day.

Evening came and after a story from Agnarr, Iduna tucked her daughters in with a lullaby. As Elsa slept peacefully, she took a seat on her bed, watching her daughter. She gently brushed her platinum locks away. Tears sprang to her eyes as she wished that she could remain blissfully unaware. She covered her mouth to quiet the rising sob as her heart ached, wishing she could take this from her.

She felt Agnarr's strong hands around her shoulders and she turned to him. "Why does it have to be our little girl?" She whispered quietly as his arms encircled her waist, pulling her close. The question hung in the air as she silently cried, wishing the troubles away. But, despite the sorrow, they felt a strength rise within them. They would fight for her in every way they could.


"Mama!" Elsa shouted. "I can't see! I can't see!" She cried out as she looked around frantically. Her eyes searched, but found nothing. "Mama?!" She wept, fear crawling at her throat.

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