IDK You Yet

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This piece was written as a part of another project of Jelsa Haven! Collabing with many other artists, editors and authors a part of the Discord server, Jelsa Haven! I hope you all enjoy!
*disclaimer* I don't own any of the character! Just the plot!
Also if you interested in joining Jelsa Haven, a safe place for all Jelsa shippers, DM me and I can give you a link!
#jelsahaven #jhavenproject2020

Also a huge thanks to my girl @FangirlDC <3
She was an awesome beta and don't forget to check out the pieces of art and edits under the hashtag (#jhavenproject2020) and all the other stories as well!
And thanks to ariddletobesolved and The_Atlantean as well for your help <3

*Warning - mentions and suggestive of drug use
Also, don't forget to listen to the song! It's one that partially inspired this one-shot!


The first time it happened, I was seven. The morning I woke up with the wildest painting on my face. Colorful flowers, bunnies and all sorts of fluffy things, thank goodness it wasn't a school day and disappeared that day. The second, was right after my ninth birthday party, and a couple doodles showing up on my arm. I then discovered that there was someone else on the other end and we began talking. Several months later, more doodles showed up and we officially introduced ourselves using nicknames, I was Frost and she was Snow. Seventh grade came and for finals on English, I had several notes on my arm. She caught me and never again did I try that.

We didn't know why it was happening, but almost instantly there was a connection.  we got to know each other as the years went by. As time passed, the writing became more frequent. She often drew on herself and I would try to complete it. There were moments we talked, but the picture often spoke louder. Then, the messages stopped for a bit, nearly a year went by with nothing. That's when the marks started showing up. I thought they were bug bites at first, but I was wrong. They were needle marks. I knew it was her and I began asking daily, how she was, hoping she'd answer. Finally, she answered, and the one question led to her opening up.

She went on and explained that she had been dealing with depression and anxiety. That was why she would frequently draw on her skin, to help. However, the past year she had started college and put a lot of stress on her. There was a distance as well she felt from her sister and the drive to please everyone, it pushed to a place. A dark place where she looked for ways to relieve her. She explained that about two weeks ago, her sister found her one evening and had been helping her since. From that point on, we talked daily, and I checked in with her. We both graduated university, and went out own separate ways, or so I thought.


Jack let out a sigh as he scrolled through his phone, moving past the frustrating post. He made his way towards the front where his sister would be picking him up in a few. As he walked down the hall, he collided with someone, nearly dropping his phone. He looked up to find someone carrying a couple of boxes.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." The person spoke and a ginger blonde head popped from behind the box.

"No, no, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He quickly apologised, smiling a bit.

"Oh good, I'm-,"

"Anna, do you know where the spoons are... packed?" A voice asked from behind him.

Jack turned around, coming face to face with a platinum blonde girl. Time seemed to stop for a moment as their eyes met and a strange feeling settled in his chest. He blinked for a moment and let out a sly grin.

"Oh, they're in one of the boxes with the blue tape," the ginger spoke. "I'm Anna by the way and that's my sister Elsa." She grinned, shifting the boxes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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