Slow Hands

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This piece is dedicated to my friend @SoulsandSwords (over on FFN!) Happy birthday girl!


"So, for Annie, who are you going to cast?" Jack asked as he parked the car.

Elsa hopped out, grabbing her bag. "I'm thinking Vanellope. I know she isn't a typical lead role. However, I have a feeling she'd do Annie justice." She answered as they headed into the Guardians Performing Arts School. She glanced at Jack who shook his head.

"I think you should go with Marie." Jack suggested, opening the door, allowing her to enter first.

"Okay, why? I know she's talented, but so is Vanellope." She stated, waiting for him to catch up.

"Marie has more experience. Vanellope is only a third-year student, while Marie has been here for six." He explained as they started down the hall.

"Yet, in those three years Vanellope has not only caught up, but exceeded those in her grade. She'd be an excellent choice." Elsa countered, looking ahead. She nodded her head, smiling a bit as she passed a couple students.

"Marie though has already had experience with several school shows. Vanellope has never done so." Jack replied as they entered their classroom and set their bags down.

Elsa rose her eyebrows at the comment and looked at him. "Marie is lovely, but so is Vanellope; and I think we should give her the opportunity to learn. Isn't that what we want to do for the students? To help them grow?" She questioned as she took a seat and took off her pointe shoes.

"Yes, that is important. But I don't think that'd be wise. Considering this is a big event and Marie's experience she'd be the safest route. Vanellope can sometimes lose her focus." He debated, taking his sneakers off.

"Taking a risk though is good. I want to give Vanellope the opportunity. Besides I truly think that she'd play the role perfectly. I don't think Marie should do it," she countered.

"I disagree, I think Marie." Jack objected as he stood with the dance shoes on.

"Why disagree? Why do you think my choice isn't the best route?" She questioned.

"Because I just do, we've seen Marie perform. She's done well." He defended.

"But why not give Vanellope the chance? Can you not trust my judgement? Do you think I can't make the right choice?" Elsa snapped, crossing her arms.

"No, I do. Just in this situation I truly think that Marie would be best. We know she's a safe bet." He contended, running a hand through his hair.

"Why are you suddenly like this? You're always the one to take risks. So why play it safe now?" She stated, raising her eyebrow as she looked at him pointedly.

"It's just that with how big of a production this is. I think it would be wise to cast Marie." He stated, letting out a breath of air from the frustration.

"So you do. You can't trust me to make the right choice." Elsa digressed, masking the hurt she was feeling.

"Okay you two, why don't you worry about all of this later." Rapunzel interrupted with a smile on her face. "Right now, you have several students waiting and we need to prepare for the dance competition. So knock it off and switch your focus." She advised with a tight smile.

Elsa looked at her friend and then back at the students who stood in the doorway. "Of course, sorry about that." She smiled to her friend and glared at her boyfriend. "We'll discuss this later."


"Is it true Lucky? Did they really have a fight?" Lilo questioned as she and Riley approached their friends.

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