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A young Thranduil stood beside his father, looking around him at the great city Lothlorien. The beauty of it carried in the elves around him. He may prefer the great forest, but for something outside of his father's realm, he admired the strength and beauty in Lothlorien. As he wandered about with his friend Celeborn, it was there that he met Miríel. Her red hair flowing around her like a waterfall, her smile like a star of the sky and her warm eyes full of life. The two grew fond of each other's friendship, which quickly turned into a love that was remembered always. A love so great, it stood the test of time.

Thranduil's POV

I paced back and forth as I waited in the hall. Inside the room laid Miríel, groaning and in pain. As another groan came, my feet stopped and breathed a heavy sigh. My heart raced, hoping all would go smoothly. As a cry filled the air, my heart jumped to my throat, I went to the front of the door and a maid opened it. I quickly walked towards Miríel. She looked up with a tired smile and I returned it with a soft one. I stared down at the extremely small child in Miríel's arms, the babe full of life. 

"It's a son." She whispered and handed him to me, I quickly took him, gently cradling his tiny frame. I studied his blue eyes as he yawned. A love wrapped itself around my heart, one that was different, it was new and I felt a fierce desire to protect him, no matter the cost.

"Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha," I whispered every so softly and he closed his eyes, his head falling to the nook of my arm. I looked up to Miríel with a smile of love.

"I was thinking of Legolas for his name." Miríel spoke and I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

"Legolas...It fits him." I answered and sat besides her, she rested her head on my shoulder and I kissed her brow softly. The two of us staring down at the babe. We had both waited for this for a long time, Miríel very much and now he was here. Born during the blossoming of spring and into a great kingdom, he was ours to keep.


9 Years Later

"Thranduil! Thranduil! Where's Legolas? He's run off again!" Miríel shouted from the hallway, her voice slightly worried.

I stood up from where I had been writing a letter and before I could go find Legolas his two tiny arms wrapped around my leg. I looked down and the boy smiled up, his sharp blue eyes flashing mischievously. He was more than once adventuring away and doing something new.

"Ada, love." He said in his young voice and I smiled lovingly at him. He raised his arms up then, "Ada up," he spoke and I willingly picked him up.

"Now Legolas, you know you're not supposed to leave Naneth when Ada works." I spoke to him gently and despite his age he understood very well. His little blond head dropped a little and he said sorry. I smiled and kissed his forehead, "you're forgiven, now let's go surprise Naneth." I whispered with a smile and he brightened up, giggling. I took the little boy and placed him on my shoulders, we waited at the door and jumped out as Miríel came. "Rawrrr!" Thranduil shouted and Legolas did the same, Miríel yelped for a second before she realized who it was.

"Thranduil! You know how I hate it when you do that and you know-" I stopped her mid-sentence with a sudden kiss, she was shocked but responded in a short time. We parted for air and her blushing look made me smile. 

"Here he is, he just wanted a little Ada time" I spoke with a grin as I handed her Legolas. "You should wear your hair like that more often along with your nightgown and robe, it looks exceptionally beautiful on you" I teasingly told her as I walked into the office with a smile, her face was red and dazed, Miríel collected herself and turned away talking quietly to Legolas. I watched her leave thinking to myself, she was the best mother to Legolas and I loved observing her be one. I watched them longingly for one last second before I returned to my work. Despite my responsibilities being highly important, I would much rather spend time with Miríel and Legolas. I resumed writing my letter to Lord Elrond and turned my thoughts to my work. As the day drew on I finished any parchments that needed attending to and I went to retrieve the reports of yesterday from our captain of our guards to ensure Greenwood's safety.

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