"Scarlett!!!" I was greeted by a huge hug by my best friend, Ryan Butler
"Hey Ry" I smiled
"So you're totally gonna help me pack for my trip tomorrow right?" He asked
"The maid is at your service" I laughed running up after him to his room.
"Can you get some boxers out of that drawer over there?" He asked
"Of all things you could've asked me to get you chose the things your penis goes in? Smooth move, Ryan" I replied sarcastically
"They're clean, chill" He laughed
I rolled my eyes before getting the underwear out of the drawer and throwing it in the duffle bag. However, a frame with three little kids, who looked about 4 or 5 years old, caught my eye. There were two little boys and a girl.
"This is so adorable? Is this you?" I asked pointing at the one in the middle
"Actually it's us. My mom found it in the attic. That's you." He smiled
I stared at the picture intently trying to remember something or anything from it.
"I know it's hard, not being able to remember anything from your past." He said sitting next to me.
"The doctors are saying that it's getting better, but that's what they've been saying for the past five years and nothing seems to have changed. I can't seem to remember anything of my past." I frowned
"Accidents happen it's better to just keep moving rather than trying to look back down the road and upsetting yourself" He said in attempt to make me feel better.
"So who's this?" I asked pointing at the little blondish brown haired boy on the other side of Ryan in the picture.
"That's uh... That's... Jules Walkerman. Me, you, and him were best friends." He said
"What happened to him?" I asked
"He moved?" He said as if he wasn't entirely sure himself
"Oh okay." I nodded getting back to packing.
"Hey, by the way, can you pack me in your luggage so I can get away for the summer with you" I said as we packed up the last of everything.
"Actually there's no need for that because you're coming with me." He smiled
"Wait what?!" I asked shocked
"You're coming with me to America!!!" He exclaimed
"Oh my god! Ryan I love you!!!!" I said jumping into his arms
"My mom already talked to your mom and you're already packed and set for tomorrow." He smiled
"You are honestly the greatest friend on earth" I said happily
"Awww shucks, thanks, but there's another person coming a friend of mine that you might know of." He said
"Who?" I asked
"Justin Bieber, know him?" He asked laughing
"That egotistical popstar? How could I not?" I asked
"That's the one" He confirmed "But honestly he's not as bad as you think. He's actually a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. Trust me Scar I've known this guy all my life." He said
"Doubt it. I bet he's just some bubble brain with a wallet the size of mount everest." I laughed
"Yeah well you're just gonna have to deal with him because he's going to be with us the entire summer." Ryan spoke

BitterSweet Love (A Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)
Fanfictionlove is too often times bittersweet