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    dear diary,
Joshua came to see me today. I thought he was going to apologize. I was wrong.

I close my eyes and place my hands behind my head, the creaking of the door causing me to stir a bit.

"Get out Brahms, I'm really not in the mood."

(bt dubs, Brahms is a little boy with leukemia that likes to come and play chess with me every now and then.)

Something heavy is thrown on my stomach, I let out a quiet oomph.

"What the-"

"My mom wanted me to drop this off for you, the nurse at the front said you didn't want to see me so I had to sneak in through the window."

I can feel Joshua's breath hovering over me, "You smell like cigars. Have you been smoking?"

"So what if I have?"

"Get out."

"Come on, Hayd."

"Get out or I'm calling the nurses to kick you out."

I watch as his hand moves to scratch the stubble on his chin, "When did you become so bitchy."

"When did you become a" I punch his balls, and then slap his head.

"When I found out that the girl I'm in love with is dying."

He stares at me with these ice cold eyes, I almost don't believe that those words just came out of the mouth of the person I'm looking at. I don't recognize him, and it scares me.

He tumbles towards the windowsill, turning ever so slightly to the right. "You're going to die. You know that right?"

I gulp, "Yes."

"Good." and with that, he disappears into the dark of night. 

                 September 30, 1994

sorry that this chapter was shorter than my usual flashback chapters, I didn't want them to argue too much. also, don't hate Joshua YET. And please vote, comment and all that stuff. I only have 3 votes but this is the most successful any of my stories have been, (sad I know.)

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