Chapter 1

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(during A Study In Pink)

I was about to knock on the door, but hesitated. what if it wasn't the right adress? i looked at the adress again and it was indeed 221B Bakerstreet. i held my breath, but still didn't knock. what if I wasn't welcome anymore? I closed my eyes and knocked. a few seconds later the door opened and I saw mrs. Hudson standing on the doorstep.
"Hello, I'm here for Sherlock Holmes", I said.
"Lyn, is that you?" mrs. Hudson asked. "Long time not seen, dear!" she said when I nodded my head and she gave me a big hug.
I came inside and followed mrs. Hudson upstairs. she knocked on the door and I heard Sherlock screaming "Come in!" and opened it. he sat in his chair next to the window with his violin, just like the last time I visited him, which was years ago. he putted down his violin when he saw me.
"Lyn? aren't you supposed to be in Ireland for your work?" he asked.
"Good to see you too, brother", I said. "I couldn't pay the rent anymore, so I decided to go back to England, to see my brothers", I added.
he smiled at me. "well, than you better go and see Mycroft. I will ask mrs. Hudson to make dinner for four, so you can stay here, if you want."
"four? mrs. Hudson, you, me... who's the fourth?" I asked.
Sherlock smiled again and continued playing the violin.

I stopped at the door of a big building and went inside. I knew Mycroft would be in here, I just knew it. I came in a big space and saw Mycroft standing there, leaning on his umbrella, like he was waiting for me.
"Hello, Mycroft", I said.
"Lyn, what are you doing here?" he asked and looked a bit surprised.
"I came to see you, Mycroft. I couldn't afford Ireland anymore, and it was a bit boring anyway, so I'm back!" I said and smiled.
"Yes, I can see", he said and he tried to look happy, but I saw that he wasn't; small smile, eyes nervous looking around.
Then a car came in and stopped. A little man with kinda grey hair, bags under his eyes and a stick to help him walk stepped out, followed by a woman, who was very busy with her phone.
"I must admit; you have a bad timing", Mycroft said to me.
"Ah, I guess so", I said and lifted my eyebrow at him. 'What was going on?'
The little fellow passed us and standed still infront of Mycroft and me.
"You could just phone me, you know, on my phone", he said.
'Oh my God, Mycroft, what have you done?' I thought. "Well, I better be off, see you!" I said and left the building, returning to the Bakerstreet.

Mrs. Hudson opened the door again. "Oh, dear, why didn't you ask me for a key?" she said. "Let me get you one", she added and walked away.
I went upstairs and saw Sherlock lying on the couch. Eyes closed, fingertips together beneath his chin. I hang my coat on the chair and packed my things and left them in the room, which mrs. Hudson gave me. When Sherlock was thinking, you better could not disturb him.
A while later mrs. Hudson called for dinner. I went down to the kitchen and saw Sherlock sitting next to the little man I saw earlier today with Mycroft.
"Oh, and do you know my little sister, Evangeline?" said Sherlock.
"Yes, I do believe we've met", he said.
"Ah, I guessed so. The look of surprise on your face the moment she came in..." Sherlock said.
"I'm John Watson", he said, ignoring Sherlock.
"You can call me Lyn", I said and sat down.
Right after dinner I went upstairs to install my things and I went to bed early.

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