Chapter 2

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(during The Blind Banker)

I was at the Bakerstreet now for a few months or so. Sherlock and John had solved the case about the pink lady and now they were busy with some Chinese thing, or whatever. they never really told me.
I was walking to Mycroft's office now. it was raining, like always. people crossed the streets quickly and had an umbrella and there were cabs everywhere. I didn't have an umbrella or something, only a coat and I putted my hoody over my ears. strings wet hair were in my face and my hands were stuck in my pockets and it was very cold. a cab passed me and stopped, offering me a lift. I thought about the case with the pink lady, the cabby being a murderer, so I didn't really feel like taking one.
I entered the office and saw Mycroft sitting in his chair.
"take a seat", he said and I sat down in the chair across the table.
"what do you want?" I asked.
"to keep an eye on Sherlock."
"what do I have to do?"
Mycroft stayed quiet for a second before answering. he knew that I wasn't gonna like it. "you're gonna work at the same place as Sherlock and keep an eye on him", he said.
I started laughing. "this is madness! why do I have to look after him? and I don't wanna work there, I wanna be a vet, remember?" I said.
"you'll work with death and injuries, so it's practically the same."
"come on, Lyn, it's not for a long time. and it will help you earn money quickly", he said.
"fine, I'll think about it", I said and stood up.
"than I guess we're done here", he said and let me out.

when I got home I threw my wet coat on the floor and googled the job on my laptop. it did pay well and it was interesting. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Mycroft:

- LH

I got an answer immediatly:

- MH

- MH

I made myself a cup of tea and sat on the couch, reading my book. Ten Little Nigers, by Agatha Christie.
then Sherlock and John came in, followed by some dudes, who brought many boxes full of books inside.
"Sherlock?" I asked. "what have I missed?"
"please, shut up, go out or something, we're busy", he said.
"oh, I see. you guys are gonna have a bookclub?" I said.
"we're doing a case, Lyn", he said with a bit anger in his voice.
I stood up and went outside. I didn't know where I was going. to a pub, or to Mycroft's place maybe. I decided to go to the pub and went inside. it was very noisy and there was this smell of alcohol all around. I stand next to the bar and looked around. crowds of people everywhere. what was I such a loner. I didn't make any friends of my own since I got here. I ordered a drink, but found out that I forgot my wallet.
"oh, forget it. no money", I said to the barkeeper.
"but I do", a voice with a beautiful Irish accent said.
I turned around and saw a man; dark hair, beautiful big eyes.
"uhm... good for you?" I didn't know what to say.
he smiled. "you can have some, dear."
"no, no, no, please, no need. but thank you", I added.
he smiled again and ordered two drinks. one of them he gave to me.
"thank you", I said, a little surprised.
"you're welcome", he said.
we had a little talk and then I stood up.
"I think I must go home now", I said. "You brought me a lovely time tonightn what shall I do in return? I could make you dinner tomorrow, if you want."
"that would be very nice", he said.
"I'll give you my number", I said and wrote it on his hand. "I'm Lyn, by the way."
"I'm Jim", he said and we both walked out.
on my way home I thought about Jim. maybe a new boyfriend. London finally began to be a bit interesting. I smiled and opened the door and went upstairs. Sherlock and John were still busy with their 'bookclub'.
"having fun, boys?" I asked.
"we're doing a case, so please don't talk", Sherlock said.
"alright, but I want you to know that I'm having a date tomorrow."
they looked at me with wide eyes.
"congratulations!" John said and Sherlock nodded.
"thanks. shall I make you some coffee, or tea?" I asked and John nodded.
I walked into the kitchen and came back with three cups of coffee.
"thank you."
"so what the hell are you doing with all these books?" I asked.
"looking for clues."
"I can help, you know."
"okay, fine. look if there're any books, which are the same", Sherlock said.
I putted my coffee down and grabbed some books out of the boxes.
"here, the Hobbit", I said after a while.
"Good! look at page 15, the first word", Sherlock said.
"me", I said.
"me... okay, no, go ahead", he said.
"no, sorry, this is so dumb, I'm going to bed. good luck and good night!" I said and went upstairs.
I looked on my phone and saw I got a text:


I smiled and sent him a text back:


The next morning I woke up early, because it was my first day at work. I had a shower and putted my clothes on, did my make-up, had breakfast and took a cab to work. I stepped out and went inside the building. I went upstairs, in the same room as Sherlock. he looked a bit surprised when I came in. there was a body lying on a table and I walked towards it.
"uhm, hello. you must be new here", a girl asked, while walking towards me.
"yes, I'm Evangeline", I said and shook her hand.
"I'm Molly, uhm, well, I have to get back to work", she said.
I nodded and looked at the body. there was blood everywhere, the poor thing! Sherlock looked at it too and did some other things and I just stand there.
after work I took a cab to the store and bought some things to make dinner.
then I went home and changed mu trousers and T-shirt into a skinny high-waste jeans, a white shirt and a black blazer. I putted my hair out of my ponytail and putted it over my shoulders and did my make-up. then I went downstairs into the living room. "what do you think?" I asked.
"I think you're ready for your date", Sherlock said.
John nodded his head.
mrs. Hudson came in. "oh, dear, you look lovely!" she said.
"thanks", I said and grabbed my things and took a cab.
the cab stopped infront of an apartement, which had to be Jim's. I stepped out knocked on the door. it opened immediatly and I saw Jim smiling on the doorstep.
"come in!" he said and let me in.
I followed him upstairs into his apartement. it was bigger than you should think.
"nice place!" I said.
I putted my bag on the table. "hope you like pasta, because I can't make anything else", I said.
"that's okay, don't worry", he said in his amazing Irish accent.
"okay, than I'll start", I said and walked into the kitchen.
Jim turned some music on. I started to make the pasta. luckily it was very easy to make, because I would be embaressed to ask him for help.
we talked a bit during our dinner.
"this pasta was very good", Jim said.
"I did my best", I said.
then his phone was buzzying, he got a text.
"sorry", he said and looked at it. eyes widened, neck-hair rised; something was wrong. he looked at me. "I'm sorry, I have to take this. thanks so much for the dinner", he said.
"no worries, I'll be on my way", I said and stood up.
"again very sorry", he said. "I guess I'll see you again?"
"I guess so", I said and smiled at him. I grabbed my things and went back home.
I went upstairs and heard Sherlock screaming "Lyn, we solved the case!" I came inside and they told me about the case with the Chinese.
"wow, so this Shan thought you were Sherlock?" I asked and John nodded. "And you saved the girl?"
John nodded again.
"how was your date?" asked Sherlock.
"very nice! might have a boyfriend soon", I answered.
I looked at my phone and saw three messages:

- SH

- MH


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