Chapter 8

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(during the Reichenbach Fall)

Someone knocked on the door and I opened it and saw Lestrade standing there.
"are you here for Sherlock?" I asked.
"yes, there has been a kidnapping", he said and went upstairs.
"two kids, Max and Claudette, 7 and 9 years old", he said. "they were the only two children who stayed in the boarding school during holidays."
Sherlock and John went to the boarding school with him.
"Sherlock, can I join too?" I asked.
he nodded and we stepped out of the car when we got there. Lestrade pointed at a crying woman with a blanket around her shoulders.
"she's the housekeeper. she's in shock so yea..." he said.
"I will try not to be myself", said sherlock and walked towards her. "so you left the place open. what are you; an idiot, a drunk, or a criminal?" he yelled.
"all the doors and windows were locked. no one, not even me, went into their rooms last night. you have to believe me!" she said.
he layed his hand upon her shoulder. "i do i just wanted you to speak quickly", he said. "let her breathe in a bag!"
we went inside to the girl's room. there was a lot of pink and dolls everywhere. Sherlock was looking around, trying to find any clues.
"do you think he did this?" I asked.
"well, Moriarty."
"that's a possibility", he said. "now show me the boys room."
we went into the other room.
"he could have seen everybody coming through the glass, so he knew they would come. maybe he did see a weapon",Sherlock said and stood behind the glass, his fingers crossed like a gun.
then he came inside again. "so this boy, 9 years old, and a big fan of spystories. what would he do in these few seconds before they came in? what would he do?"
I looked around. "there are no signs of a fight, so he probably didnt try to hide somewhere. I guess he would leave a clue", I said.
"exactly", he said.
"hey, is it just me or is here this smell of oil or something?" John asked.
sherlock looked in all his closets and found an empty bottle of linseed oil. "get Anderson!"
we looked around in some special kinda light. on the wall was written 'help us' and you could see footprints on the ground.
"we know nothing", anderson said.
"indeed", said Sherlock. "except his shoesize, length, the way he walks." he scratched one of the footprints of the floor and we went to the hospital, so that he could observe it.
Molly was there too.
"need any help?" I asked and Sherlock shook his head.
Molly and Sherlock had a little talk and me and John were just standing there.
"theres chocolate involved", Sherlock said.

"chocolate?" asked Lestrade.
"yes we have to find a building with these five things, an old candy factory, or something", said Sherlock.
"okay, I will have my boys looking for it."
"oh I already asked my homeless network. faster than the police." he looked at the photos they sent him. then his eyes widened and he opened his mouth. "Addlestone!"
we went to the old building.
"splitt up!" said Donovan and I went with Sherlock and John.
we walked through the dark corridors. Sherlock stooped and grabbed something of the floor. a chocolate packaging! he licked it.
"mercury!" he said. "thats deadly. and it was fresh. they are still in here!"
"over here!" we heard sergeant Donovan scream after a while and I ran to the sound of her voice.
the two kids were sitting there, dirty, and the boy was blacked out. the others came running towards us and took them to the policestation. there was also called an ambulance.
Sherlock John and I waited till Donovan came.
"the professionals are done. would the amatures like to have a try?" she asked with a fake smile upon her face.
we stood up.
"remember; she's 7 years old and she's in shock so, uhm..." said lestrade.
"I shall try not being myself", Sherlock said and he went inside.
Claudette sat there and when she saw Sherlock she started screaming.
"sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"come!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room. "you scare her okay?"
"well I didn't mean to", he said and looked out of the window.
I looked at the building across the street too. some lights were already out, but then they went on again. on the window was written something.
"I owe you", I read out loud. "why is there written 'I owe you'?"
"who knows?" he said.
"Sherlock, you know you wont fool me."
he looked at me. "why are you helping with this case? its annoying", he said.
"because my boyfriend is probably involved."
"he's still your boyfriend?"
"yea, we never broke up. but it's not like we are still seeing eachother", I said. "but why this interest in my lovelife?" I asked.
"oh no, I'm not interested in your lovelife, no! I'm interested in Moriarty since he's my enemy", he said.
"ofcourse. I'm going home now, see ya later", I said and took a cab home.
I went upstairs to my room. mrs. Hudson knocked on mu door.
"hey dear, there is a package left for you", she said and gave it to me.
"thank you", I said and read the note, which was on it.
hello dear, I know you don't wanna see me now, but I wanna give you a present. please don't throw it away x
Love, Jim xx
I opened it and saw a necklace. it was a heart with two names on it: Jim and Lyn I grabbed my phone and texted him:


After a few minutes I got an answer:



I heard Sherlock and John coming home so I went downstairs. Sherlock was looking at the bookcloset.
"what are you doing?" I asked.
"a camera", he said.
"what? but i'm in my nightdress", mrs. Hudson said and walked away.
someone knocked on the door and she opened it.
"no inspector",sherlock said.
"you don't even know my question", said Lestrade.
"the answer is no."
"we have to arrest you for the crime of kidnapping the two children", Lestrade said.
"what?! how can you possibly think that sherlock Holmes would do that?!" John yelled.
"it's fine, just let it be", Sherlock said.
"it's not fine, Sherlock!"
"you better shut up before we have to arrest you too", Lestrade said to John and they took my brother with them.
John had a little chat with Donovan and then he punched someone in the face and was arrested too. I looked out of the window and saw them running away and I smiled. it just wasnt possible to arrest them that easy. I went outside and took a cab to Jim's appartement and knocked on the door. he wasn't at home. I opened the door myself.


I sat down on the couch and waited till he would come home.
after a while I heard him come in.
"did you read my message?" I asked.
he looked a bit surprised when he saw me. "no. how did you get in?"
"through the door."
we looked at eachother for a while, staying quiet.
"so what are you doing here, dear?" he asked.
I looked at his clothes. "what the hell are you wearing and what have you done with your hair?"
"oh yea, this must look weird, but that's not important. what's up?" he said.
"nothing. it's just that everybody seems to betray me or ignore me and now Sherlock got arrested, but escaped and it's just too much and i need to tell this to someone", I said.
"I'm sorry."
"Jim, I have a question for you", I said. "why is Sherlock arrested for kidnapping?"
he looked at me a bit weird.
"damn it, I know you're behind all this!"
"maybe they think he's suspicious?"
"why would they think that?" I asked.
he stayed quiet for a moment. "Honey, I don't think you want to hear this, but I will tell you. he is behind this. he payed me to play Jim Moriarty, his enemy, who he had created, but I'm Richard brook,an actor."
"what?" I said. "thats not true!"
"it is, I got proof. here", he said and shew me some papers and his cv. "I'm on kidstv, I'm the storyteller its on dvd", he said.
"so you're saying that my brothers a criminal? and that youre an actor, called Rich Brook?" I said, a bit surprised and he nodded.
"I'm sorry, honey, but its true", he said.
"I'm going home and I will ask Sherlock about this", I said.
"do you want me to drive you home?"he asked.
"no", I said and walked home.
Sherlock and John both weren't home. Mrs. Hudson came inside.
"where have you been, dear?" she asked.
"I was looking for Sherlock and John,but I didn't find them", I said.
"oh, but they will come", she said.
I went upstairs and read a bit and fell asleep.

the next morning I came downstairs and John told me about their escape yesterday and about Rich Brook.
"we don't actually believe he's not Moriarty, do we?" he asked.
"ofcourse he's Moriarty! Sherlock would never do something like that", I said.
"no I won't. but he's clever, people will believe him", Sherlock said. "are you coming?"
we went to the hospital, to work. Sherlock and Molly were talking and I was working and John got a call.
"yes? is she okay? oh my god, oh my god", he said.
"what's wrong?" I asked.
"mrs. Hudson was been shot", he answered.
"oh my god, no!" I said.
"Sherlock are you coming?" he asked.
"no I'm busy. i need to think", he answered.
"have you even heard him?! Sherlock, she's dying!" I said. "doesn't she mean anything to you?"
"I want to be alone, alone protects me", Sherlock said.
"no. friends protect people", John said and we went to the bakerstreet, leaving Sherlock alone.
we went inside and saw mrs. Hudson standing there, she wasn't shot at all!

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