All i want

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"stiles babe wake up your going to miss your flight." Lydia softly shook her husbands shoulder.
Christmas morning was supposed to be full of laughter and joy but this year it was quiet and somber, stiles had a business trip and had to fly across country Christmas morning returning after New Years leaving Lydia alone for the holidays.
"What do you think are my chances of getting fired if I miss this trip?" He asked his voice deep and gruff with sleep.
"Probably high now come one I'm driving you to the airport." Lydia said gently, sliding out of bed.
Stiles got his things together quickly and they were on the road to the airport in half an hour.
"I'm sorry I'm leaving my love, I'm an awful husband I didn't even get you something for Christmas." Stiles said his words full of remorse and yearning to just blow off this trip and spend the holidays with his beautiful wife the way he was supposed to.
"Stiles I didn't want anything anyway it's okay I promise."
" no, Lydia it isn't, this isn't okay that I'm leaving you for something as stupid as a business trip.we are supposed to be together for Christmas, I'm supposed to be there with you as the ball drops on New Years but I can't this is so ridiculous." Stiles exclaimed. As Lydia pulled up to the airport she looked at him.
"Stiles everything will be fine  you go get your work done and I will be waiting for you here and when you get home we can have a belated New Years party just you and me with late Christmas presents and everything." She said smiling. Getting out of the car she walked over to stiles while he was getting his bags. They walked through security and to his terminal in silence hand in hand. As stiles placed his things down on a chair he turned around and placed his hands on either side of Lydia's face,"I don't want any party or presents. All I want is you my love I just want to be with you."
Resting her forehead on his she sighed.
" and all I want is to be with you."
Stiles closes the gap between them, pressing his lips against hers while Lydia's arms went around his neck.
As the speaker around them announced that the passengers could start boarding they broke apart.
"I love you stiles and I will be waiting right here for you when you come back." Lydia smiles up at him and pecks both his cheeks.
"now go on and get on your plane before it leaves without you."
Stiles steps back still staring into her eyes.
"I love you Lydia."
"I know stiles I love you too."

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