Problems with society.

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{Shane's POV}

After the restaurant me and Joey decided to ride to Santa Monica. We walked around and talked, we even got on rides and played games.

Joey: Shane let's play this game!
It was a bottle ring toss game that Joey was intrigued by.

Shane: ok Joey this is the last game then we need to go home.

Joey: ugh fine ok.
We payed to play the game and after Joeys first shot he missed. I leaned into his face and pecked him on the lips saying, "try again". The I heard it.

Lady: ewe what the fuck is wrong with you people?
She made a throwing up sign at her friends and they just stood there and laughed at us.

Joey: what the hell is wrong with you. Oh yeah, your a basic bitch who has nothing better to do with her life so you decide to be hoe ass bitch!
Joey stormed off to the car and I ran after him.

Shane: Babe calm down they are just stupid people who shame others because they have problems with themselves.

Joey: Shane just imagine, all the hate we are going to get. I honestly don't know how to prepare myself for what we are going to do! I can't help it when people say those things it makes me feel alone.


Joey: Shane I'm sorry. I know you love me but I'm scared. I'm scared that one day you'll stop loving me, I'm scared of the haters, I'm just ugh.

Shane: Joey I will never stop loving you. EVER! And forget those people they just want what we have. We should just go home and get some rest because your stressed out.

Joey: yeah let's go.
We got into the car and Joey was just staring out the window.

Shane: Joey?

Joey: yeah?

Shane: I love youuuuu.

Joey: I know Shane I love you too.
When we got home we fell asleep holding each other like it was the end of the world.

{The next day/ Joeys POV}

I woke up and I saw that Shane wasn't in the bed. I walked down stairs and I saw Lisa in the kitchen while Shane was sleeping on the couch. I ran downstairs quietly and looked at her.

Joey: Lisa what are you doing here and who let you in?

Lisa: um......Joey listen you don't need Shane I need him. You aren't good enough for him anyways.

Joey: listen here, I don't give two craps if you "need" him he's mine now. You think that you can let yourself into OUR apartment and talk Crap to me. Get the fuck out of here Lisa and don't ever think about coming near Shane or me. You got it?

Lisa: you know what I'll give the both of you 6 days to come out to your viewers or I'm going to tell your little secret. now I'm going to leave and you sit here and think about what your gonna do.
She walked out the door and slammed it so Shane would wake up.

Shane: Joey what's going on?

Joey: Lisa snuck into our house and told me that she needed you and I wasn't good enough then she said we have six days to come or she will do it for us.

Shane: fuck!
Shane stormed off into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

Joey: Shane calm down we can get through this together.

{Shane's POV}

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed some relief. I haven't cut in three years but I felt like I had to right now. Joey knew that I cut, he was the one who got me to stop he knew what I was about to do.

Joey: Shane don't this to me.

Shane: I can't and I didn't. I flushed the razor down the toilet.


Joey: Shane open the door. NOW

I got up and Joey immediately grabbed my arms. I tried to snatch away from him but his grip was too strong. He pulled up my sleeves and started counting old and new ones.

Joey: 1....2.....3.....4.....5.
There were eleven . Seven new and four old.

{ Joeys POV}

Joey: Shane why would you lie to me. You've been cutting this whole time and you said you stopped.
I was balling my eyes out because I knew that he was hurting. I grabbed some bandages and cleaning cream and wrapped his arm up.

Shane: Joey I'm sorry.
He sounded so stressed and I just kissed him. I could feel him relax and he pulled away.

Joey: better?

Shane:yeah, do you forgive me

Joey: I don't know why you are apologizing. You didn't do anything.

Shane: yeah I did.

Joey: what did you do

Shane: Joey you don't understand I'm a fuck up. I made this happen.

Joey: Shane but you did for us. Do you regret it?

Shane: no I don't trust me I love you but she's crazy. She knows to do that because she knows that I'm scared to confess stuff to people and it stresses me out! That's how she would get me to do stuff with her she would blackmail me.

Joey: well I'm going to be here for you okay?

Shane: You know what, go set up the camera and lights I'll meet you in five minutes.

Joey: Shane are you sure? I don't want to rush things if you aren't ready.

Shane: I'm ready. I want people to know about us I don't want this to be a secret anymore.

Joey: ok. I love you Shaney.

Shane: shaney? I love you to joe joe.
I went to set up the camera and lights. After that I just waited for Shane to come out. (Ha a pun)

Shane: Ok Joey I think I'm ready.

Joey: k let's go!

{Shane's POV}

I was so scared on the inside but I also felt okay because I knew one person that would stick by my side. Joey. He's all I need.

Joey: alrighty let's go.

We sat there and explained why me and Lisa broke up. Then we just flat out said it. Shoey is real. It felt weird saying it like that but I'm glad this happened.

Joey: See that wasn't hard at all was it?

Shane: it wasn't. Lisa is going to be sooooo mad. she didn't think we had the guts to it.

joey: she was so wrong lol. I think we are going to get a lot of positive comments from our viewers. I know that there will be bad ones but who gives a fuck about those.

Shane: Gosh Mr. Graceffa your on a roll with the cussing.

Joey: it's because I've been hanging with you! Mr.Yaw
He began laughing because he knows I like Dawson better.

Shane: that's Mr.Dawson to you!
After that whole situation me and Joey sat back and edited our coming out video. Now here comes the worst part. Facing/telling our families......

------------------Authors note-------------------
Hey girl hey, so I wrote more than I planned on writing. I'm so surprised with my self. *pats self on the back* anyways I'm loaded up with stuff to do but I will try to keep updating as much as possible. I love you little chickens and good night!

Also I didn't check for spelling errors so it is was it is. Bye.

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