Long way to go.........

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---------------Literally writing this is in class trying not to get caught!----------

{ Joey's POV }

It's the next day and Lisa was still in the pantry. We heard her banging on the pantry door.

Shane: babe I gotta leave for my movie so you have to take care of Lisa.
(PeacefulJoey16 thanks for the idea<3)

Joey: But shaaaane! You said it started next week!

Shane: I'm sorry babe, they changed it to today.

Joey: What am I supposed to do with that bitch?

Shane: Tame her. Bye Joey-Bear I whuuuv you.
He left and then here I am.....with Lisa.....banging on the pantry door.

Joey: Lisa if you calm down. I will let you out. Okay?

Lisa: okay Joey I promise.
I grabbed a knife just in case she tries anything. I opened the door and I saw that she untied herself.

Lisa: Hi.....

Joey: Do you wanna talk about why you did what you did?

Lisa: I guess so.
We walked over to the couch and sat down. I put the knife in the kitchen so she wouldn't be scared.

Lisa: it's hard to get over someone that you've got to know and been with for years. Shane was my one and only. Shane was my true love.

Joey: Lisa.... I know how hard it must be for you, to get over Someone like that. I know how hard it is believe me. If you calm down I will let you see Shane. You know be friends but please, please don't try a single thing.

Lisa: Thank you Joey.
She got up and gave me hug. Shane is coming back from his movie shoot in 2 weeks.

Joey: I guess this is goodbye for now?

Lisa: yeah I'm gonna go back to L.A.
She walked out of the door and then my phone rang. It was my ex-boyfriend Daniel. I picked up the phone and listened.

Daniel: hello....Joey?

Joey: Hi Daniel.
I was so nervouse.

Daniel: Joey I-I miss you. Will you please meet up with me?

Joey: listen Daniel. Me and you are over but we can still hang out. No funny business though. And I'll be honest with you I miss you to.

Daniel: When do you want to meet. I still live in Boston.

Joey: Umm today like right now. I wanna see you.
I gave him my address. Now all I have to do is wait. An hour later I heard the doorbell ring. I jolted up from my seat and answered the door.

Daniel: Um......hey Joey.
He leaned in and gave me a hug.

Joey: hey. Come inside. Make yourself at home.
We went to the couch. There was awkward silence between us. I really did miss when we were together, but I love Shane now. I suddenly saw him leaning in towards me. I felt his soft lips on mine. I started to kiss back. I knew that this was wrong but It was full of lust not love.

Daniel: Bedroom?

Joey: let's go.
We made our way to the bedroom. Eventually we were both undressed. He playfully threw me onto the bed and started to grind against me.

Daniel: I am literally going to fuck you into the mattress.
All of a sudden the door burst open and it was Shane. A red eyed, tear stained face Shane. I pushed Daniel and got my boxers on and chased after Shane.

Shane: Joey.... Why would you do this to me. I loved you and this is how you repay me? I thought our love was real. I thought we were real. As soon as I leave the house you go and get your brain fucked out of your head by your ex!!!!!

Joey: Shane I'm sorry. I was caught up in the lust for Daniel. I don't know what's gotten into me I'm so so sorry baby.

Shane: Don't your dare fucking call me baby.

Joey: Shane please forgive me I love you and only you please!

Shane: I will think about it, if you want me back your gonna have to earn my love back. Bye Joey, see you in two weeks.
He walked out the door. I fell to my knees and started crying. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

Daniel: Hey let's get back to what we started.


Daniel: I didn't say it was a fucking choice!
He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me to the bedroom. Before he started he punched me in my jaw.

Daniel: You Are my bitch for the week. Whenever I want you, you come and give yourself to me. Got it?

I spit in his face.

Daniel: Your gonna wish you didn't do that.
He tore off my boxers and threw them onto the floor. Without any preparation he shoved himself into me. I started crying. The only person that I could thing of was my Shaney. I tried to push Daniel off but he was much stronger than me. Ten minutes later he released inside of me.

Daniel: My work here is done.
He pulled his clothes back on and spit on me.

Daniele: Don't forget that you are my bitch. So what do you do when I call for you?

Joey: G-Give m-my self.......to you.

Daniel: Bye baby see you tomorrow.
He walked out of the door. I laid in my bed thinking of Shane. I got up and took a steaming hot shower. This is the second time! I feel nasty, and useless. After I got out Shane was calling my phone.

Joey: Hello

Shane: Joey I'm coming home right now, I rescheduled the movie to next week.

Joey: Shane you can't come home this week.

Shane: why not?
I could tell him the reason, or lie straight through my teeth.

Joey: I'll explain when you get home.

Shane: okay.
I hung up the phone. I paced around our living room thinking about the consequences of not going to Daniel. About thirty minutes later Shane walked in and sat on the couch.

Shane: explain yourself.....

Joey: Daniel was was my first real love. We were together for a year then he started to change.....He started to use me for his own pleasure. I was still madly in love with him. He left me for some other guy and I was broken. When Daniel called, those emotions started to mix with love and hate. We almost had sex then you came in. After you left Daniel used me. Against my will.

Shane: Joey I'm sorry for leaving with that son of a bitch.

Joey: it's not your fault baby. I got myself into this mess. Daniel wants me to be his "bitch" and if I don't I'm scared that he might hurt you.

Shane: He will not lay a single finger on us Joey. We'll fight together.

Joey: I don't know what I would do without you.

Shane: without you I would be a mess.
Shane saw that I was getting tired, he picked me up and carried me to bed. I started to drift off to sleep. The last thing that I heard was "I love you".

-------------authors note--------------

Hello people. THE BEST THING HAS HAPPENED AT SCHOOL GUYS. THERE IS A READING TEACHER WHO LOOKS LIKE DANIEL PREDA. Anyways i know that I haven't updated in a while now. Also there is no hate against the lovely queen Daniel. School is stupid, shoey haters are stupid, and my feet are stupid.

<3 leyla

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