fakers and babies

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I opened my eyes to hear a scream i knew it was, it was jane. i stared at the ceiling as everyday by: Buddy Holly played on the radio blaring in my room. "emma!" she yelled opening my door. "GUESS WHAT!" she yelled jumping on my bed continuously "what?" i sarcastically said rolling my eyes and the i saw what was in her hand...good god this whack job is pregnant "I'M PREGNANT!" she smiled waiting for me to be excited. "oh my god, how the hell did you pregnant?" i hollered laughing and then charlie climbed up the window " if you want your life i suggest you jump down and run!" i yelled. He jumped down not bothering to even say anything "why did you make him leave?! i think it's his!" she smiled throwing her hands up in the air "WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled. May i remind you that it was a sunny Saturday and the entire time this was happening i was laughing uncontrollably because charlie was gonna be in some deep shit. I chased her around the house probably yelling loud enough mrs. marchers from next door could probably hear me. "I kinda well did it with him last saturday" she yelled running down the stairs "Are you insane? His mother is gonna skin you alive and that kid!" i yelled jumping on her back gabbing the stick, she threw me off and ran out the back door of the house running through Mrs. Marchers yard and across town me chasing after her and i spotted aces car driving with the guys in it and they saw us. I kept chasing after her, barefooted in my pajama shorts and shirt, hair still in curlers. We ran through the store knocking off a shelf of chips and getting hollered at by Mr. roberts the owner of the store, we ran through the junkyard screaming bloody murder cause chopper the guard dog was on our tails. We jumped the fence in time and ran back through town and she tripped right in front of the side walk aces car was parked on. "jesus!" eyeball yelled "what's going on?!" ace shouted vemon dripping of his mouth "oh shit!" we bother yelled. Mr. rusty's rottwieller was coming for us we suck jumped up and ran for our life running into lexi, she saw what was coming and screamed i had to grab her to run with us. We ran through the streets people must of thought we were mad because we we yelling loud not that wimping scream but the yell when you see something coming . We got to aces in time that the dog left. we panted and were sweating like pigs half of my curlers were gone so my hair looked like a rats nest. "anyone wanna explain?" charlie said leaning up against the house "you wanna explain charles?" i asked slapping his face "what? W-what did i do?" he asked holding his face looking pissed "hmm... where were you last saturday when we were bowling?!" i asked folding my arms and leaning back against the porch stairway "what are you taking about?" ace asked " whack job got herself here a bun in the oven!" i sighed putting my hands in my face with frustration. Eyeball sighed and came wrapping his arms around my waist "wait, you got pregnant with charlie? man, my sisters gonna hate you!" lexi said crossing her arms and leaning against her hip. everyone turned to her in confusing "what? why is everyone staring at me? charlie is the big screw up!" lexi said rolling her eyes fixing her bandana that was tied around her head while two dark braids rested agains her chest"yeah, right charlie what the hell!" i said getting back on topic " what? I'm sorry we were just hanging out and it got little heated? her tits aren't annettes!" he said seeming disappointed. She slapped him! " well now that the two fucks up are having a baby what are we gonna do?!" ace said taking a drag of his cigarette "abortion, death, get the hell out of town?" i was abut to yell but eyeball covered my mouth with his hand before i made them feel any worse "well you better figure it out! And tell my sister!" lexi said "hey you want a ride to my house for gordie?!" i asked smiling "sure!" she smiled back

"Lexi's p.o.v"

I walked with Emma and Janie her house we didn't drive cause she chased janie to aces. When we got to the house she said to wait the living room. I heard footsteps and i saw gordie. Man, was he cute! I loved his eyes and his dimpled cheeks. "lexi?!" he asked smiling " hi, i-i- i was invited by your sister to come and get you i mean if thats okay" i smiled nervously " it's okay i was just gonna head to the treehouse, you can come if you want" he smiled grabbing his yankees cap " okay lets go!" i smiled so hard my cheeks hurt . "Emma! we are going!" he yelled up the stairs and what i heard next wasn't what i expected i saw a women that looked like Emma but wasn't her, she was in a ankle length dress that was loose on her and her hair was put up in pins. "gordie?" she said holding her head with one and and resting her elbows on the stair case knob. "y-y-yeah m-m-mom?" he hesitated she walked down the stairs slowly and she stopped at where we were and looked at me with a deep stare " a-a-and who's this?" she ask still deeply looking at me " this is lexi" he said "oh well, wait aren't you?" she grabbed my cheek looking at me "excuse me?" i said getting freaked out " mom?" gordie asked " oh nothing sorry have a nice time" she smiled her eyes glossy like she was gonna cry. she walked to the kitchen table where she went and sat holding a tissue to her face. We left quickly after that. "what was that all about?" i asked still little freaked out " nothing , she's just weird now that denny's gone, come on! Let's get to the treehouse!" he said running ahead of me..

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