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"So, you're having a baby and you have no money, a job, or plans." i said writing "plans" as the heading of the notebook i was writing in. Jane was driving to the store a town over with me and Charlie. "Right, i wanna keep it though so abortion is not an option!" she said waving her finger in the air. Charlie just put his head in his hands. He told his mother and i had to convince my mother to let him stay at our house until his mom cooled down. I began writing down essentials they would need to care for this baby. Jane and I had became closer since she got pregnant. Her parents weren't so thrilled that she was pregnant since they'd know the struggles of caring for a baby at 16 since she was born when her parents were that young. "have you thought of any names?" i asked putting my feet crossed the seat and putting my knees up letting the notebook lay across my legs and i labeled names . "Charles Jr.!" charlie shouted smiling like a goof "NO WAY! My baby will not be named Charles Jr!" she yelled smacking his head "beverley!" jane said "Beverley Grace Hogan" she said looking up, sighing and smiling. "Pretty!" Charlie said "if it's a girl" he added "oh turn here!" i said pointing to the "pamper you baby" sign above a low budget baby store. We shopped for about an hour or so before Jane started crying yelling about how her teenage life was over and she didn't want to be a mother. Both me and Charlie had to try and calm he down. We managed to get diapers, a couple onesies , and bottles for that day. I drove home while Charlie and Jane sat in the back. They were only sixteen but they seemed they could be atlas some what decent parents to a baby.


*Emma's p.o.v*

I walked to the Blue Point diner to find Eyeball and Ace sitting eating burgers and drinking shakes. I went and greeted them sitting in the booth with eyeball. I let my head fall into Eyeball chest . "hey, pretty face whats wrong?" Eyeball asked wrapping his arm around me and motioning ace to go. "I just don't want that for them, they are to young." i cried "who? Jane and charlie?" he asked, i nodded. " hey it'll be okay, they'll be fine! and when that baby is born we can gaze at it and be so grateful that isn't us" he chuckled squeezing me tighter "i guess you're right" i said pulling away and letting eyeball who the tear away that was about to drip down my face. " hey, look at me" he said. i looked up at him. "I love you!" he said pulling me in. " I love you too" I smiled. "come on, let's get out of here." he said scooting out of the booth ad lifting me up, wrapping his arms around me as we walked out of the diner onto the street, looking through the window of irby's seeing charlie and ace playing pool. They smiled and waved. We did the same as we walked past. We went and walked for awhile just me and him. Talking about life and our future. I loved him so much. He was my other half. I didn't ever want him to go. For the rest of the day we ran around town messing around and at the End of the da we went back to Ace's to see everyone there, all hanging out. I realized this was our gang and i loved it here in Castle Rock, it was my home. We had a big bonfire and had ad drinking contest disincluding Jane. At about 1am, Jane and I went home and went to bed.

4 am

*Jane's p.o.v*

I woke up with a sharp pain in my side. I cringed in pain. "EMMA" I yelled. She came running in. She felt my head. It was burning. I was super sweaty and uncomfortable. She lifted up the bed sheets to see blood covering almost the entire bed. She winced. She lifted me out of my bed and carried me to the car. This must of been really horrifying to watch because the entire drive to the hospital she cried. We got to the hospital. They wouldn't let her behind the doors she fought and yelled but was pulled back by Eyeball who she called before we left. I could hear her yelling when the doors closed behind the gurney i was laying on. I was really nausious and was in and out of it. I was so scared, i could barely breathe. I watched the hospital lights flash above me then everything turned black.

I lost the baby at 12 weeks. I was very sad but i knew it was for the best. I wasn't ready to take up that job yet. Emma cried for an hour straight but soon understood too. We all grieved for awhile even Ace. I got to go home today and i am slowly getting things back to normal. I have been taking things easier but still have fun.

*Charlie's p.o.v*

I will admit i was really hurt when i heard Jane lost the baby. I was really excited to be a Dad, but things happen.

*Before at hospital with Gordie and Lexi*

"Do you think she will be okay?" lexi asked. "I'm sure her and the baby will be fine." I responded smiling. "yeah, i hope so" she smiled back. She had been crying to after she had go to the hospital at 8 this morning when i did. My sister had been comforting her while this whole thing had been going on.


Emma came out of the doors, she had just visited Jane. She was about to speak but fell to the floor crying. I quickly came and comforted her and she did to me before Eyeball came. Jane had lost her baby at 12 weeks and we were devastated. We went and visited her. Jane laid frail on the bed, when she would awake she would find out the child she once carried was gone. That made me cry a little. My mom came at 11:30 to take me home. Emma called telling her she thought i had, had enough pain for a day. I told my mom what happened and she gave me a big hug. It made me think of how grateful i am for my mom and her love she gives me.

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