mailboxes and new kids

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Jane's p.o.v

I sat in the back with ace,Billy,and Charlie. Emma was driving and eyeball sat next to her. I had never played mailbox baseball so ace was gonna show me how. "Can you hurry up!" Emma yelled leaning forward resting her head on the steering wheel. "Yeah yeah shut your trap" ace said back. He was about to hit the mailbox when Emma slammed on the brakes and ace hit his on the seat making everyone fall into laughter. "You bitch!" Ace yelled holding his nose "Yes, that's my name don't wear it out!" Emma shouted back all if them We very loud. Emma would once in awhile swerve around the road. We stopped for food at a drive thru and kept driving around hunting for trouble. Emma was steering with her knee and eating st the same time. Laughing and singing along to the radio eyeball was giving her kisses and rubbing her leg. Emma was very pretty and I definitely could see why eyeball liked her but I hated that too I really liked eyeball....

We drove around town until we saw a girl with long dark brown hair sitting the corner of the curb with tears in her eyes. Emma stopped. "And what seems to be the issue little lady?" Emma said smiling " parents were fighting again." The girl responded "well come in here and we'll drive you home!" Emma said "no I don't wanna go home wanna go home!" "Kay , well you can hangout with my brother gordie" "hey I know him I go to school with him " she said getting in the car "great!" we drove to the tree house and Emma took lexi to the tree house door and knocked the secret knock . Gordie opened the door and I heard them greeting each other and Emma telling him to let her hangout with them. She got back in the car and we drove to Aces.

Lexi°s p.o.v
I sat down on the floor and watched the boy's wringing my hands because I was nervous. I never really talked to these guys before and I honestly didn't know what to say. We eventually started talking and I got to know all of them a lot better and we promised to hangout tomorrow. I was excited.

Chris's p.o.v
I liked lexi she was really nice and had pretty long hair and she was easy to talk to.

Gordies p.o.v
She is grand. I like her she's funny she's outgoing and she seems very spontaneous. I like her. Maybe alittle to much.

Teddy p.o.v
Cute broad. But I got my head still set on Emma.

Verns p.o.v
I think I'm in love with her. my hands get all clammy when I'm around her it's the first day I met her man my mom would kill me if she knew I had a crush so would Billy he'd embarrass me for the rest of my life but her hair so soft and pretty. Shes pretty chick she'd never like me I'm fat my mom told me I'm not I still think I am anyways yeah she's so pretty and so nice first time I ever met her and she's just so nice I love her. Don't tell my mom.


She's such a nice cool chick I felt really bad when I seen her crying on the sidewalk I know how it feels to cry on htree sidewalk because your parents are being really rude I hope the guys like her by my brother I mean. I like her

Eyeballs p.o.v

She's cool I only met her once. yeah I guess she's a cool chick.

Aces p.o.v
I don't care.

Charlie's p.o.v
Who are we talking about again? oh right lexi well she was only in the car for like 5 minutes I guess she's OK

Billy's p.o.v
Has anyone seen Connie?

Janies p.o.v
I like her but she'd never be a Cobra Like Me... Has anyone seen eyeball?

Emma's POV
We all went to aces and Drank and had a bonfire Jamie still perved a dish over eyeball. We hung out until about midnight then eyeball came to my house cuz we drove past his house and seen that his dad was Drunk. Janie tried multiple times to randomly coming to my room but finally at about 3 she gave up and went to sleep and me and eyeball cuddled and fell asleep at around 5

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