Part 6

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I suggest listening to this while you read.
I jolted up at my dads words. He was standing over my bed looking straight at an eyeball who looked like he just seen a ghost. Now my dad doesn't really care about me or Gordie very much so I was confused at his anger but my Confusion quickly ended when my dad called me a whore and left my room. How was I a whore? All he did as sleepover. I started to cry but that ended after eyeball gave me a long kiss and a big hug. God he's great! "Come on let's go!" He said getting up and putting his shirt back on. "Ok" I said opening my closet to a pair of skinny jeans and a black button down crop top that tied at the bottom and my red flats. We hopped out the window and started walking to aces. Not to our surprise they were sitting in the backyard. I took a seat on the hood of Aces car laying on the glass. I turned up the radio to hear you don't own me by Lesley gore. I started singing along tapping my foot to the beat of the song. "Hey you guys wanna go to another party at the place we were last night?" Ace asked "sure" everyone said except billy "sorry my my mom wants me to stay in for the night vern has this baseball thing" billy said (in my version Vern plays baseball) "whatever" ace said "so did you both get some with each other last night?" Charlie asked which really pissed me off so much that I went right up to him and punched him right in the nose making him fall to the ground from where he was sitting "dammit Charlie don't ever ask me shit like that again! I yelled right in his face and then pick him by the back off the shirt and looking at his face he was bleeding real bad and I think I broke his nose. " and that's why she's a cobra" ace smirked "and my girlfriend!" Eyeball added I went inside to go get some paper towel for the kid. "Damn emma" Charlie said holding his nose I gave him a paper towel and went to sit by eyeball. He was smoking a cigarette and humming to the melody of the song that was playing. He slid a hand around my waist and kissed my neck. I giggled and I heard Billy gag I flipped him off and laughed.
I was getting ready for the party and I had my outfit picked out and I got dressed I was wearing a pair of cutoff high waisted shorts,a crop top that had Mickey Mouse on it, and a red flannel . I had my hair in a bee hive with a bandana. I put my black converse on and red lipstick on and ran into Gordies room where he was sleeping on his bed still wearing his shoes he must of been really tired I took his shoes off and put the covers over him and kissed his cheek leaving a red lipstick mark. I slipped out his window and started walking to aces where the car was waiting I got in where all the guys were and I sat on eyeballs lap and gave him a wet one On the lips (lmfao I'm sorry😂😂) we got to the party and everyone made their way around the party. Eyeball left to go get drinks for us. He'd been gone for awhile and while he was gone a boy came and sat next to me and we started talking his name was Michael Terrance and he was from castle rock I had never seen him which was weird. After a good 10 minutes of talking eyeball came back and got really over protective "who's this asshole?" He asked sliding a hand around my waist showing I'm his. "Relax eyeball he's just a friend!" I said and before I knew it. Michael had a bloody nose. " eyeball are you crazy! He wasn't trying to do anything!!" I screamed running off. He ran after me "hey I'm sorry" he said trying. To hug me I pushed away " YOU DONT OWN ME! You can't just punch every guy that tries to talk to me in the face!" I screamed starting to cry "I'm sorry I thought you would appreciate me being over protective! And not be a bitch about it!" He said getting angry and then I punched him in the lip knocking him up the ground and leaving. Ace was ready to go so we got in the car and I rode in the front with ace and fuzzy. Eyeball sat in the back with a fat lip looking angry as hell. I felt bad but he called me a bitch and got pyscho. I was the first one to get dropped off I said bye to the guys besides eyeball and Got in my window and got changed into a old shirt and shorts. God why do I feel so guilty. I thought I would never hurt him I guess not I started to cry. I cried myself to sleep.
I felt someone crawl into bed with me and wrap an arm around me. I knew who it was "baby I'm so sorry I love you so much I just never want us to part" eyeball said " I love you too and I'm sorry I punched you" I said before turning around to look at him I kissed him and tasted blood "eyeball?" I asked "why do I taste blood" I turned on my light to see his lip bruised and a black eye and blood on his lip "did he do it!" I asked stroking his eye "yeah" he said looking down "it's okay baby I'm here now !" I said laying him down and kissing his cheek he must of felt my tears cause he told me that's everything's gonna be ok. I cant take that he beats him. He doesn't deserve it! And before I could think anymore we were both passed out
Update! I like this chapter it has drama and its sweet! I might update tomorrow idk I got writers block hope you guys like it:)

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