Friday, August 6th 1960

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My day dragged on. I was washing my clothes and I was having a heat stroke. Tonight, we meet ace's new girl. He has been giving us  little descriptions of her and how she was a real sweet girl. She lived a town away and they had met at a bar when ace was with another girl a couple weeks ago. He said to not make her hair a big deal, apparently it was a fiery red.

Just when my clothes were getting done I saw the door swing open and a shirtless eyeball came in.
"Wow, hello!" I said laughed.
"Hia!" He smirked.
"Is there a reason for no shirt?"
"Yeah, it's really hot and my sweat is soaking through my shirt, wanna see?" He raised his hand up for me to see his Grey T shirt that was wet.
"Gross!" I said in disgust.
He raised an eyebrow and went to grab me but I ran away before he could running through my living room and protecting myself. "Try it, you pissass! I fucking dare you!" I yelled at him. "Oh really, you're real sweet today!" He said sarcastically as I grabbed the post for the stairs and made my way up them. I ran into my room and locked the door. I heard a door open, and freaked out thinking it was my parents, and the last thing I need is them seeing eyeball shirtless and chasing me around. It was just Jane seeing what was happening. Just as I opened the door, eyeball tried to grab me but I ducked and ran past him. "Not today, Fucktard!" I yelled running by Jane. "What are you children doing?" She asked, " dirt ball here is trying to attack me with his sweaty shirt." I panted holding my hips and pointing to the shirt and my sweaty boy. " Well, can you both shut up? I am tired and I want to rest before tonight!" She said grabbing the door. "What the hell? Who needs beauty rest for a party?" Eyeball questioned. "I do!" She responded flicking his forehead as he went passed her and pushed me down the hall and to the stairs.

9:30 pm
Jane and I both walked out of our rooms examining our transformations. She was in a black tight dress with green heels, and she obviously used pin curls for her hair. I wore a black pencil skirt, with a red tie top and a black cardigan. I wasn't feeling too much for nice shoes so I slipped on the black Chucks and out my hair in a curled up do and wrapped a red bandoo around it. I wasn't feeling make up either so I covered my face in power, did my brows, and put Burt's Bees lip moisturizer on my lips, making them smell like sweet cherries. We walked outside and seen the cars waiting. I slipped in the front drivers seat, because tonight I felt like driving. And Jane rode in the back of Ace's car. "Say, when your dolly gets in the car, how about showing her a little fun with a drag race? Huh?" I asked, "I have no problem showing her how I could beat your ass in a matter of 30 seconds." He responded with a toothpick twirling between his lips. "Please, I'll leave that girl so scared, you'll hear her mama screaming for the hills." I smirked letting my one hand rest on the steering wheel and my arm on the side of the car. "You're on! Just follow me and we'll be there shortly." Ace said as if I didn't know. "I don't ride the short bus, ace. I know the drill." I said as we started driving. We stopped at this grey house and three little kids ran out with a tall girl with curls of the sun, and a green dress with flowers on the bottom. She had green half hells on her feet and had a face of complete innocence, how the hell did she get with Ace? "Holy shit!" Charlie said from the backseat. "How the hell?" I said resting my head on the steering wheel as I watched the girl come to Ace's car. Suddenly he had gotten out and walked up to the door. "And this is where Ace loses his date." Eyeball says leaning back against seat. "Meeting the parents, I feel bad for his guy. " fuzzy let out. "Eh, hold on, they're coming back!" Eyeball looked amazed. Ace let the girl into the front seat and he got in signaling us to go. "Bitchin!" I said and started the car. This was it, as soon as we had gotten on the main roads out in the country, Ace went on the other side right next to our car. "Ready, pussy?" I shouted over to them. The girl was in shock at my vulgar words. "Don't even fuckin try with the names!" Ace said as we started. I was winning until a a car came in front of us, I knew what I wanted. Usually every other time I would back out but this was different. I ignored the horns and Charlie yelling as we got closer to the car in front of us. Ace wasn't backing out either, I sped up to him and watched the headlights in front of us. Charlie and fuzzy were hollering about dying but eyeball wasn't phased. I was almost to the car in front, when it went off the road and passed us. "Fuck yeah!!!!" I yelled in happiness! "I won, you piece of shit!" I yelled out the window to him. He just flipped me off.

We pulled onto the street where this so called 'great' party was. We all got out of the car and walked in.
"Guys, this is Amelia, Amelia  this is Eyeball, Charlie, Emma, Vinny, Billy , Jane ,and Fuzzy." He smiled as he grabbed her waist. "Hia, doll!" I cheesed her one and grabbed eyeballs hand. "How'd someone like ace get a girl like you?" Billy asked and she chuckled. "It's so nice to meet you all!" She smiled, "and as for your peculiar question, I met him When I was with a friend at a diner. I went to get more fries and he came and asked me out." She smiled innocently. I wanted to appreciate the story and the but all I can think about it how he's is going to break her, like all the other girls. She was a sweet girl who deserved the preachers son and now she was hanging out and letting the rusty, greasy, foul mouthed bad boy take her to parties. It is what it is, I suppose. We walked into the party and there was dancing everywhere. Eyeball and and I went straight to the dance floor as soon as ' Cry to me' came on. We danced around the floor, so close and personal. This wasn't your average party with the parents sweet dancing, this was dirty dancing. Sweaty, sensual, close lustering dancing. The type of dancing where it only seemed a sin to do it. If anyone's parent in this place came and saw what was happening, we'd be sent to confessions for years. We stared into each other's eyes, smiling and grinding upon one another. He held me close and I leaned my head back and brought myself back up to him. Leaving smirks upon my mouth, and wet kisses to one another. Once in awhile, I would look over to Amelia who stayed in the corner with Ace. It seem he hasn't worked up the nerve to ask her to dance, so eyeball and I knew we needed to take action. We both walked over and I asked ace to dance as eyeball asked Amelia to dance. It was a slow song so there was no grinding to take action. "Is there a reason you're not asking Amelia to dance?" I rested my chin on his shoulder. "Would it be a real puss thing to say, I'm scared?" He chuckled. " absolutely!" I laughed, "No, I'm just kidding, not seriously! I'm gonna give you to her and I want you to lead! I know you can do this!" I looked him in the eyes and I said my words. I caught eyeballs attention and gave ace to Amelia. The slow song carried until Jerry Lee Lewis blasted! I back away from Eye and I started my signature dance for "A whole lotta Shakin' going on" I kept my upper body stiff and kept my hips circulating and moved my shoulders forward and back towards eyeball who latched his hands around my waist. I teasingly latched my leg around his torso then let go and backed away and dances on my own, until he came back behind me. The song ended and we went back to a slow song. I rested my head on his chest as we danced close until it was time for us to go because of Amelia's curfew.

I didn't want to drive so eyeball did and I let my head rest on his lap and he did so, it's not the safest thing but at this point I was too tired to care. We dropped everyone off at home and then went back to my house and crawled into my bed and fell asleep intertwined.

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