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Amber's P.O.V

"Jack please just go away I'm not in the mood." I sniffle as I try to hide the tears that were streaming down my face.

Jack looks around my room, noticing all the glass and clothes scattered around the floor along with the fresh holes that were punched into the wall.

"What the fuck did you do?" He asked referring to my room.

"Jack, please just go away." I ask as I winced in pain from my now bloody and bruised hand.

The other figure that I was not able to see chuckles deeply before stepping forward.


Why is he here?

It's bad enough that I have to deal with Jacks bullshit but I really don't want to have to put up with him too.

"You really that mad at me babygirl?" He asks in an incredibly condescending tone.

"Come on, don't be mad. You still look so sexy, just forget about what happened, I can make it up to you." He says while looking my body up and down with a sense of desire.

"Jack, why is he here?" I ask,, growing visibly more upset.

"Why are you so pissed off, you literally just fucked him not even thirty minutes ago." He says as he scrunches his features together while speaking.

"Can you both just fuck off." I say in a hushed tone as I desperately wanted to be left alone.

"The fuck this bitch just say?" Sammy asks Jack, sounding somewhat offended.

Jack looks at me in disgust before walking closer and punching me in my face with full force. I yelp out in pain feeling, crying as I am completely caught off guard while Sammy just sat there laughing.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that." Jack grits.

Did he really just hit me?

I hold my face as a stinging sensation still lingers on my cheek and I was positive that my skin would bruise because of how harshly he hit me.

"I lowkey wanna fuck her again. She looks hot all helpless like that." Sammy says as his eyes look down at me lustfully.

"Do what ever the fuck you want with that piece of shit." Jack sneers, having me grow extremely fearful.

I take a deep breath in attempts to control my breathing as I didn't want to have another panic attack, atleast not in front of them.

I don't want him to know that his words affect me, but i couldn't help the involuntary tears that began to fall.

"Bitch, if you don't shut the fuck up. I'll make you." Sammy threatens as he smirks down at me as if wanting me to test him.

Why are they acting this way towards me?

I seriously haven't done anything to make either of them this upset.

"Please get out." I say as my voice becomes shaky.

Almost on perfect cue Nina comes stumbling into my room. She lays across my bed before instantly falling asleep, not even acknowledging either of them.

Jack and Sammy stand there for a second looking as if they were in a state of contemplation before walking out my room due to Nina's presence which I was thankful for. If she weren't here, then I don't even know what would've happened to me...but I needed answers.

"Sammy." I anxiously call out.

"What?" He questions.

The two of them both turn around to face me and I couldn't help but notice how upset Jack seems by the fact that I was calling out Sam's name.

"Why did you tweet that about me? Everyone is talking shit about me right now." I question, not understanding why he would do such a thing.

"Okay? I don't care. You don't mean anything to me. I was just looking for a good fuck, and you gave it to me. I barely even had to put in any work" He smirks.

I remain silent, not knowing what to say in response. My eyes flicker over to Jack to see him staring down at me with an intense look.

"Bye. Slut." Sammy calls out before walking away with Jack while laughing.

"I fucking hate you." I say before getting up and slamming my door shut.

I begin to bring myself back over to bed in order to sleep away this nightmare. But as I take one step forward, I immediately scream out in pain as a piece of glass cuts through the skin of my foot. My entire body drops down to the ground upon impact, causing me to cry out.

Nina shoots up at the sound and looks at me with a puzzled expression. She stares at me, wincing and crying in pain for about thirty seconds before shrugging and drifting back off to sleep.

My door opens behind me but I was too scared to turn around, because of how embarrassed I was.

"Amber?" I heard mr.Gilins say as he walks further into my room.

"What happened?" He asks as he picks me up before taking me to my bathroom, making sure to watch for any pieces of glass in the process.

I was still crying from all of the pain I was feeling emotionally and physically.

"I'll be right back" he says softly before quickly exiting the restroom.

I nod my head and wait patiently for him to return as I watch the blood seep out of my foot.

He soon returns with shoes and a first aid kit.

"how did this happen? Are you okay? " He asks referring to my blooded and bruised hand, my now bruised face and my bleeding foot.

While I was deciding whether or not to tell him, the door opens to reveal Jack. I immediately inhale a sharp breath of air before quickly turning my attention away from him.

"W-what happened? I heard someone scream so I came to check it out." Jack lies.

"I hope you're not hurt, are you okay?" Sammy says as he brings himself into the room as well, seeming as if he were trying to contain his laughter.

"I don't know, but she was just about to tell me."

I mentally face palmed myself at mr.Gilins' words as I really didn't want to give an explanation with the two of them staring at me. Both Jack and Sammy's face turn more serious and threatening as they awaited for me to continue.

"Well...what happened?" Mr.Gilins asks.

"Yeah, what happened?" Jack asks , acting concerned.

I look down and bit my lip nervously as I try to see what I could say that would sound realistic.

"I fell at the party and that's how I got this bruise." I say pointing at my face.

"Yeah but what about all the other ones?" Dave questions.

" I bruised my hand because I got angry at something and let out my anger on that wall." I say pointing at the holes, knowing those would need an explanation too.

"And I messed up my foot because I threw my glass vase and shattered my mirror and ended up stepping on one of the pieces. That's why I screamed so loud." I finish, somewhat saying the truth.

"Well you seemed to have had a long night." Dave says as he rubs the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

"If only you knew just how long." I huff.

Sammy smirks at me knowing I was talking bout him.

"Well, since everything's good I guess I'm going to bed now." Jack says as him and Sam walked out.

Mr. Dave cleans up all of my cuts, and wraps my hand and my foot since they were hurting to move. Once he left, I laid next to Nina and drift off to sleep with only one thought on my mind.

I have to go to school with all these bitches in two days.

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