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Amber's P.O.V

The rest of the class period was a blur. I didn't take any notes or listen to anything that the teacher was saying as I instead chose to drown everything out with music.

As I make my way down the halls in search for Nina I could hear many of the students whispering about me, which I tried desperately to ignore but I couldn't. I couldn't get over the fact the everyone hated me or the fact that I know that everyone's talking shit about me, even the teachers.

But even with all of this, my mind kept going back to one thing...Jack.

What did he mean when he said "might just have to give you another one" ?

Was he going to hurt me again?

I don't know what it is about Jack, he's so rude towards me but he also intrigues me at the same time. I don't understand what it is, or why I seem to get jealous around him but I don't like it.

I don't like that I have this weird type of physical reaction towards him. All he does is hurt me either emotionally or physically ! He's always made it a point to make my life harder than it needs to be and there no way that I can allow myself to feel any type of attraction for him.

As I continue to speed walk my way down the crowded halls, I find myself nearing my next class when I feel myself being roughly shoved against a locker. My breathing immediately escapes me as the harsh impact takes me off guard. I quickly turn my head to find a petite brunette girl that I have never seen before staring down at me alongside her group of friends.

"So you think it's okay to sleep with my boyfriend? Huh bitch?! " She shouts as she presses me further against the locker.

"What are you talking about?" I question as I attempt to push her off of me.

Her grip slightly loosens, allowing me the chance to snatch my entire body weight away from her.

"Fuck you Amber, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone knows your reputation around here and you really had the nerve to go and hook up with Sam?! We've been together for two years. How dare you!!" She yells angrily as she slaps me across the face.

Anger immediately floods my veins as I shove her body away from mine, having her stumble back in the process.

"How was I supposed to know you were Sam's girlfriend?! He never once mentioned you and he sure as hell didn't act like he had a girlfriend so that's not on me!" I yell as a small gathering of people began to form around us.

As soon as I speak those words fury ignites within her eyes as she immediately throws her body towards mine, landing multiple punches while doing so.

"You fucking bitch!" She screams as her long nails scrape across my skin.

She then grabs me by my hair before throwing me down onto the ground. She climbs her way on top of me before hitting me repeatedly as I go to block her blows.

"Fuck you!!!! " She screams while banging my head against the tile beneath us.

I eventually find the strength to roll us over, allowing me to gain control of the situation as I start punching the bitch in the face while pulling her hair as she had did to me. Just as I go to land another hard blow, I am stopped as I feel foreign hands pick me up before prying us apart. Her hands were still intertwined within my hair, causing my neck to retract at an extremely uncomfortable angle.

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