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Ambers P.O.V

       "Amber, finally. You've been in there for so long." Mia exclaims as I take my seat down next to her.

        "Sorry. My bad." I say with a shrug as I shove a few Sour Patch Kids in my mouth.

        "Yeah, well I just checked my Twitter page and- uh...have you been on there recently?" She asks, lifting her eyebrow at me as she appears to be slightly puzzled.

    My expression immediately changes, having me grow extremely concerned as I begin to remember everything people were saying about me on that app last night.

        "No." I say as I slowly pull out my phone before opening the Twitter app.

     Instant regret immediately rose in my chest as my Notifications center was filled with five hundred plus comments filled with hate. With every comment that I read, my self-esteem seemed to drop lower and lower. As I continue to scroll through all of the nasty words directed towards me, I find myself stopping as two comments in particular seem to stick out the most.

@jackgilins: She's literally the dirtiest bitch in the school 😂 . She gets passed around every other day, everyone knows that. 😷😷😷 @sammywilkins

Lies, lies and more lies! All Jack has ever done is spread lies about me. He knows Sammy was my first so why even tweet something like this?!

         Jack's tweet had 267 retweets and 359 likes which made it impossible for me to not notice it. If that many people agree with him and feel that way towards me, then everyone must really think I'm just some dirty bitch who sleeps around all of the time.

I want to ignore his words and pretend these numbers don't affect me but it's even worse because Jack is my step-brother.

I know he hates me but he didn't have to tweet shit like that about me. He's just spreading lies and making the situation harder than it needs to be for me because I can't escape him. He lives with me, which also means I can't escape his friends and the people that he decides to have over.

       As I continue to scroll I then notice one of my friends Alexandra had also decided to make a tweet regarding me which caught me by complete surprise.

@xforalexa: embarrassing....I'd hate to be her right now😭

        She had 643 retweets and over eight hundred likes.

Why would she out of all people say something like that?

We've been friends since we were in 6th grade. Why wouldn't she defend me in this time?

         I look up from my phone before focusing my attention back on my two real friends.

                  "I don't even care anymore." I say as I push away a small tear that was threatening to fall.

                  "That's good Amber. Don't let them get to you! They're just all jealous of you anyway." Nina says in encouragement as she brings me in for a hug

           I laugh at her positivity as I try my hardest to believe her words as I no longer want to feel this dark cloud that seems to be hanging over me since my time with Sammy. After a few seconds, we eventually pull away from each other before Mia goes to look down at her phone once more. As soon as she does so her features immediately lift in shock as she brings her eyes back up to meet with mine.

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