chapter one

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School pictures day probably the worst day ever, for any teenager you know that this picture means for ever and when you open up you year book it's there reminding you of that awful day. But not today, nothing could bring me down its my 13th birthday. I tried my hardest to look nice, I picked out my favorite shirt, but it was a little baggy, because I have no boobs to fill them. I mean I'm 13 now, come on puberty catch up with me.

The line moved fast, nows my chance. I handed the photographer my name slip and sat down with my books pressed against me.

"Okay Miss. Laura put your books down." He said.

"It's Lauren." I said correcting him and setting my books down.

"Now turn a bit Laura." He said. This man was starting to push my buttons.

"It's Lauren!" I said a bit more agitated, and he snapped the photo. I wasant ready!

"Next!" He called out and I collected my things and left.

After final period I stopped by the picture tabel to receive my pictures. Just as I expected horrible. My mouth was open and my hair apparently poofed out as soon as I sat down, just my luck.

I began the walk to my locker to hide then monstrosities. When I was stopped by another camera. Joey Richter, only my best friend, who is the editor of the year book. He never goes anywhere without his camera.

"Joey enough with the pictures, I've had enough camera time today." I told him as we continued to walk to my locker.

"What happened bad year book photo?" He asked. I unlocked my locker and nodded my head yes. "Well I'm going to document today, it your birthday." He said snapping another photo.

The talking in the hallway died down, that could only mean one thing. The six chick's were coming. They were coming towards me. Okay calm down Lauren don't act stupid.

"Hey Lauren." Meredith said. Meredith was the leader and she deserved to be she was flawless from her brown hair permed perfectly, to out fits, and her parents let her wear makeup. "So how did your pictures turn out?"

"Oh horribly." I said shuttering at the thought of Meredith ever seeing them she would never let me be a six chick's then.

"So did mine." She said holding put her pictures.

"No they didn't Meredith." One of the six chick's said.

"You are so photogenic." Another one said.

"So tonight is my birthday party are you guys still coming?" I asked her. A couple of day ago I worked up the courage to ask the six chick's to my party and they said yes.

"Awe, we can't." Meredith said bummed out.

"But why can't you?" I asked feeling disappointed.

"Well Mrs. Marks has been on us to turn in our project draft, so we have to miss out on your party tonight to work on it. It's a shame Joe Walker wanted to come."

"I'm going to head off." Joey piped up. "I'll wait for you out side."

"Do what ever you want it's not like she needs a play by play." Meredith told him, and all the other six chick's giggled. Joey rolled his eyes and walked off.

"Well its going to be a great party, I could write your draft so you guys could still come." I told Meredith.

"Really? Oh great, Joe will be happy to know that. Well see you tonight Lauren." Meredith said then her and the six chick's walked off.

I began to jump around, but stopped when people started staring. A future six chick's can't be seen making a fool of her self. That's right tonight Meredith was going to let me be a six chick's. I ran outside to meet Joey so we could walk home.

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