chapter eight

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I cried my self to sleep last night. And the saddest part is that we wernt even together. Today is the day that I will loose him forever. I slowly got out of bed, I brushed my hair, lightly did my makeup and then put something layed back on, then headed to the office.

When I walked in there were boxes everywhere and people were packing up there stuff.

"Brian, what's going on?" I as him.

"Meredith, she sold our new idea to sparkle."

I marched my self straight to her office. "Look I get it you were mad that your idea didn't win but did you really have to sell MY idea to sparkle."

"Yes I did, and look sparkle is going to make me there number one editor, have fun being jobless." She said then picked up her box and shoved past me and left.

My whole world in crumbling down. I've lost my job and I'm about to loose Joey... NO I'm not going to loose him, I'm going to fight while I still have time. I ran down to the street and called a taxi.

"Take me to 4357 Vernon Road New Jersey, and step on it." I said to the driver. As we were going over the bridge the driver spoke up. "Lauren, Lauren Lopez?"

"Uh yea, can you go any faster?" I said.

"It's me, Joe, Joe Walker." I looked at him through the mirror, this was not Joe, this man was fat, with messy hair, and wore a shirt covered in food stains.

"Omigod." I said softly, and began to regret all the moments I thought he was the cutest guy on earth. We got off the bridge and a little bit closer to my old street, and then we stopped.

"Well we are going to be here for a wile." Joe said then turned on the radio. I swear it was God telling me to fight for Joey and get out of the car because my favorite song Jesse's girl was playing.

"Awe man, Jesse's Girl, we made out in the back of my car to this song after prom." Disgusted by the image I got out of the car and ran. Joeys old house wasant that far away.

I made it just in time. I had to get in I took a bouquet of flowers and covered my face and walked in. I sat them down once I was past the crowd, and ran up stairs. I saw in the Crack of the door, Denise in her wedding dress, and all of her friends helping her get ready. I went to Joeys old room and opened the door to find him struggling with his bow tie.

"Lauren what are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Fighting for you." I said softly as tears slowly fell from my eyes.

"Lauren, I..." He began but I cut him off.

"There is nobody in this world that knows you better than I do, we belong together Joey."

"Lauren, Shh." He said wrapping his arms around me, I softly cried into him. "I have always loved you."

"Then ditch today and let's run away together."

"It's not that simple, my family is out there Denise's family is out there. Denise is out there, and I love her too. But being with you the past weeks have definitely stirred up emotions that I haven't felt towards you in years. I have always loved you."

"Joey I love you too, please, I've lost everything I can't loose you too." I said to him full on crying.

"Lauren, here," He said the opened his closet and pulled out the Lauren Dream house, and handed it to me. "I saved it, I want you to have it."

I took it from his hands and started towards the door.

"Lauren are you going to be okay?" He asked, I could tell by the way he looked at me he was heart broken to.

"Joey don't worry about me just go out there and get married." I said then left. The house was empty, everyone must have been seated for the wedding. I got out side and walked across the yard with the house in my hands and sat on my front porch.

When wind began to blow and I shut my eyes and tried to forget about everything.

I wish I was thirteen again. I thought to myself. I wish I was thirteen again.

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