chapter two

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I woke up and pulled my eye mask off. I don't remember putting one on last night. I felt around my bed was softer than usual, and bigger. I shot up and looked around this in not my house. Have I been kidnapped. I got up and ran out of the room. But stopped at the mirror. This wasant me. I screamed and fell back but got up and ran out into this ... nice living room.

"Where am I." I wispered to my self. I sat down for a second and noticed the mail on the coffee table.

Lauren Lopez
Lauren Lopez
Lauren Lopez

They were all directed to me. I live here. A strang alarm sounding noise went off. I got up and followed the sound it seamed to be coming from around the door.

Just then I heard the sound of running water turn on from the back. I grabbed an umbrella and and armed myself with it and slowly walked towards the noise.

"Hey sweet bottom do you know where the conditioner is." A man with curly black hair said, he was only wearing a towel.

"Oh my gosh your naked." I said to him, who is this man and why is he at my place.

"Well not yet."He said then dropped his towel. And at the same time I open the umbrella.and ran away. I grabbed some shoes and a coat that were closest to the door and I also grabbed a hand bag, then ran away.

"Hey sweet bottom." He kept yelling. But I kept running, what was happening?

I ran out side, I was in New York City. That strange noise started going off.

"Do you hear that?" I asked a man walked down the street, he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Lauren!" Somebody yelled at me. "Lauren, come on get in were going to be late."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Very funny, now get in." She said to me.

"I don't get in the car with strangers." I told her keeping my distance.

"Hey sweet bottom!" I looked up there was that naked man again.

"Put your clothes on!" I yelled.

"Lauren come on!" The other girl said again.

"Don't make me come down there and get you." The naked man called from the window.

"No no no go away!" I said then ran into the car with the fear that he would come down. The woman looked friendlier than the man.

"God Lauren what is wrong with you." The woman asked me, she was beautiful with brown hair, her outfit was perfect as well as her makeup.

"What's going on?" I asked scared.

"Are you wearing your night gown? Wow so 70s." The woman said then took a sip of her coffee.

"Something really freaky is going on last night I woke up in an apartment I've never seen before and there was this man and he was naked and I... I saw his thingy."

"His thingy, oh no how ever shall you make it?" She sad with a light chuckled. "Hey driver stop were here."

We both got out of the car and made our way down the street. And then that noise came back again.

"Do you hear that?" I asked her.

"Honey," She said taking my purse."did you go drinking with out me last night, not fair. It's your phone dummy, it probably Brian calling wondering where we are." She said flipping the phone open, phones are usually bigger than this.

"Hello?" I said.

"Sweet bottom why did you leave so fast?" It was that naked man from earlier.

"You, who are you, leave me alone." I said then moved the phone away from my ear. "Who is Brian?" I asked the woman.

"Our boss. Okay come here." She said and took the phone put of my hand and closed it. "You are really hung over, your loosing it. Okay take a breath and repeat after me." I shut my eyes and took a big breath. "I'm Lauren Lopez, big time magazine editor."

"I ... I am?" I said shocked.

"Yes now repeat it."

"I'm Lauren Lopez big time magazine editor."

"And I'm a tough bitch."

"And I'm a tough... tough bitch." I have just said my first cuss word. She took me by the hand and dragged me into the huge building.

"Good morning ladies." The woman at the front desk said.

"Who is she?" I asked the other girl. I still don't know who she is but she looks familiar.

"Miss. Lopez Eminem called he wants to know your decision." A taller woman with blonde dyed hair said.

"Uh, plain." I replied, both girls looked at me confused. "Peanut." The brunet girl shoved me into a room with a large tabel and people seated around it. I shut my eyes and pinched myself, to try to way my self up, but it didn't work.

"Miss. Lopez here is your coffee and your mother called but I told her you were busy." The other woman with blonde hair said.

"Why did you do that." I asked her shocked, my parents are the only people I can trust except for...

"You told me to, can I do any thing else for you." She said with a hint of fear in her voice. I quickly scribbled down Joeys parents phone number.

"Can you find him?" I ripped the paper and handed it to her and she ran off. The door shut and in walked a man with brown hair, he was wearing a suit and tie, and looked very bossy, I'm guessing he must be my boss Brian.

"They have done it again, sparkle has out sold us for the 10th week." Brian said frustrated.

"They stole our story about J-lo." The brunet girl said.

"Exactly and what does holly house wife want to buy at the supermarket a magazine with J-lo's 10th secret or her 11th." Brian said. "Lauren did you fire Deb from accounting yet?"

"What I- uhh" I don't know what to say I don't know who Deb is.

"Yes she did." The brunet girl said.

"Good she was a rat, giving all our information out." Brian informed everyone, I shot my hand up and waited to be called on. "Yes Lauren."

"May I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Uh yes you can." Brian replied confused.

"She's had to much to drink last night." The brunet said. I got up and ran out.

"Miss. Lopez, I have his adress. I called his parents and said he was in credit card trouble and that we needed his adress." The blonde woman said.

"You lied to the Richters." I told her shocked.

"Well I um."

"Where does he live?"

"Oh in an apartment at the rosewood, it's not that far away from here." She told me handing me the paper with his adress on it.

"Thank you, umm, uhh?"

"Jaime." She replied sweetly.

"Thank you Jaime." I said then ran out of the building.

I got out side and tried to get a taxi, but it was no use. I decided to walk, I had to ask people for help, some new yorkers are nice and some are not. I finally made it to the building. Joey he was going to make everything make sense. I knocked on his door.

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