chapter seven

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"And then he kissed me. It was wonderful." I told Penny and her friends.

"Awe." They all said in unison.

"Look," I said then pushed up my selves. " goosebumps."

"When are you going to see him again?" One of the girls named Lucy asked.

"I don't know, he's getting married, it's all so confusing." I told her.

"Well at least you have a love life, nobody wants to be with metal mouth Nancy." Nancy said.

"Ladies that is no way to talk, we are young, heartache to heartache, we stand." I told the girls then pressed play on my stereo and Love is a Battlefield began to play.

And at this moment I'm entering the game to win Joey Richters heart.

The next morning all the girls went home and I got ready. Today is a big day, my magazine is going to be chosen then Joey and I are going to go on our ... date and the world will be right again.

When I reached the office I sent a random assistant off to fech the final prints for the presentation. I walked over to Jamie who was in her cube.

"Meredith is about to do her presentation." She informed me.

"Who needs her, ours is going to be so much better." Jaime gave me a reassuring smile, then answered the phone.

"Lauren!" I heard Brian yell as he ran towards me. "Lauren, why are you and Meredith doing separate presentations?"

"Well, let's just say we had two diffrent ideas, Brian your going to have more choices." I told him.

"Well I'm more excited to see what you have in store."

"Well we are not completely ready yet, I'm waiting on this assistant to get back with the rest if the prints."

"What," Brian said, and all the color drained from his face, "we are on a dead line, and if that dead line isint met, well ... my head will be chopped off."

"That was Macey," Jaime said hanging up the phone, "she is on her way here with the print."

"Can you make it for another 20 minutes?" I asked Brian. He took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

"I suppose we can let Meredith go first." He said.

We walked into the conference room and Meredith was already ready to go.

"Lights." She said as soon as everyone sat down. "You want a new image for poise rest in peace now because I have just what your looking for." She said then pressed the play button and images of women in sort of punk clothing showed up. "The new image for poise should be edgy. Poise is getting naughty. That's what people want, different." She said then concluded her presentation. She was right when she said people wanted different, just not like that.

Brian shut his eyes and took a very deep breath. "That was very... good Meredith." He said in an unenthused tone. Meredith looked at him then darted her eyes at me and stormed out of the room furious.

"There here." Jaime wispered in my ear and we went out of the room and took the boards and went back inside the meeting room and started the presentation.

The boards were covered with pictures of the models from the old magazine.

"Who are these women?" I asked, the room looked at me puzzled. "That's right, nobody knows." I started taking down the picture and they revealed the photos that Joey had taken. "I wanna see my best friends big sister in my magazine, or the football team, I wanna see my self in a magazine, real people to look up to. This is poise." My speech was short and sweet but got the message across.

"Bravo." Brian said as he stood up clapping his hands, and soon the rest of the room did.

Everyone in the room wanted to hug me and congratulate me. But I needed to tell Joey. I ran out of the room like a rocket, and when I got out side I didn't stop, I just ran. The sky turned dark and it started to rain but that didn't slow me down. I reached his building drenched from head to toe. I went straight to his room and knocked on the door. The door slowly opened my heart was doing flips, but quickly fell.

"Oh hey, Laura right?" It was Denise.

"Um no its Lauren." I said upset, "is Joey here, I wanted to tell him about the presentation."

"He's not here, getting his tux, the weddings tomorrow, and well you kow guys, yet wait till the last minute."

"Oh yea."

"We are going to have the cutest back yard wedding ever, well I'll tell him you stopped by." Then she shut the door.

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