chapter four

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I wake up to my head pounding. I get up out if bed and go to my kitchen and make myself breakfast before having to go to work. I can't believe I'm auctaly saying that, I'm going to work. Everything has happened so fast, but I love me new life. I'm pretty, I have a killer closet, I have boobs, I'm best friend with Meredith, but yet a part of me still feels empty.

Never mind that.

I get dressed into something nice and leave my apartment, and get in the car with Meredith and ride to work.

"There are my favorite girls, great news, are sales went up thanks to last night, Lauren. Now sparkle is still ahead of us, but we are slowly making a come back." Brian said grating us and steering us toward the meeting room.

Everything around here is just so rushed. Everyone is in a hurry to beet sparkle, and be the best, but some times it's better to walk to the finish line than run and miss the beauty.

"Now I have so bad news. I know that last night's party was a success but the board is is considering stopping the magazine." Brian said. Everyone started to panic. "Unless we... we create a new image for poise."

"That's is were finished." A guy at the tabel said. Everyone started talking over one another about how it was a bad idea.

"I think it's a good idea." I said.

"What, Lauren are you crazy?" Meredith said.

"No I just think that the magazine has had the same look sense I was thirteen." I explained to everyone

"Well I'm going to run with this idea, and I'm letting my top two girls over see the magazines redesign, the fate of poise rest in your hands girls." Brian said looking at me and Meredith.

After that everyone got up and left, I went back to my office to work. I shut the door behind me and sit down at my desk.

"What are you doing here Jeff." I heard my receptionist Jaime said.

"Look I dropped Rachels lunch off and I thought I would stop by and say hello to Lauren." The man, Jeff, said.

"You're a pig, Jeff, you hear me a pig." Jaime yelled at him.

My office door opened and this man with long strawberry blondeish hair walked in, he wasn't really handsome, but you could tell by the way he dressed he thought he was some hot shit.

"Hey baby." He said then walked up closer to me.

"Excuse me." I said confused. He then put his hands around my waist and kissed me. I shoved him off of me then wiped my lips off. "What are you doing?" I said furiously.

"Hopefully you, like last week, remember we just went at it right here on your desk." He said then put his hands around my waist again.

"Get off me!" I yelled, then shoved him away and smacked him across the face.

"Playing hard to get."

"Get out before I call the police!" I yelled again. And he looked confused and then left I could hear Jaime laughing. I put my coat on and grabbed my purse and walked out of my office.

"You can have the rest of the day off Jaime." I told her then left the building and headed back to my apartment.

When I walked in I went and fixed my self a glass of water and then sat down on my couch. My phone started to ring, it was Meredith.

"Hey girl I heard about your bad day." Meredith said.

"What oh yea, it was rough." I told her then rubbed my forehead.

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