Double Bladed Guillotine

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"Something is happening to me and I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. My eyes keep changing... sometimes I look so fucking demonic that I scare my damn self!" I said, my voice rising a bit. "Anger me. Make me mad. Hit me. You'll see."

"Cynric, I think you need to calm down." Natasha said, trying to reason with me.

"Do it, Lucian!" my strained voice responded with, eyes solely trained on Lucian, trying to interpret his next move.

Natasha and Lucian looked  at each other, seemingly talking to each other mentally about what was about to happen.

Suddenly, all I could hear was a ringing in my ears as I watched Lucian, almost in slow motion, get up and stalk towards me.

Next thing I knew, his fist was flying towards my face and I damn near broke my back bending backwards to dodge it.


I saw stars and felt lightheaded as a result of the inhumane speed used to avoid the blow that was obviously aimed at my jaw.

Quickly squatting down, I swung my right leg out, kicking at Lucian's feet and causing him to fall down to my current level.

A sharp gasp tore my concentrated gaze off my opponent and I sharply glanced at Natasha, whose hands were currently covering her mouth in an attempt to mask her shock.

Cocking my head to the side, I contemplated my next move, eyes now refocused on the man in front of me.

Picking him up by the scruff of his shirt, I felt a complete ocean of rage and anguish wash over me.

Frustration was also a guest in the cocktail of emotions, caused by the simple belittling fact that I didn't know what the hell was happening to me.

I felt myself start to shake as I used my free hand to grasp his neck and squeeze, though not hard enough to cut off his air supply.

Then, I started punching him.

It was almost as if someone had taken over my body and I was watching everything in 3rd person point of view. I could see myself repeatedly crashing my fist into his nose, but I couldn't feel myself doing it. It wasn't me.

I felt the bones in his nose break under my fist, accompanied by the lovely crunchy sound of breaking cartilage.

A muffled shout exited his mouth and I couldn't fight the urge to not care as I continued the assault on his pretty little nonhuman face.

Small, but firm, frantic hands latched onto my bicep and I looked over my shoulder to find Natasha glancing between Lucian's face and my eyes with a worried, yet fierce, look on her face.

She tried, and failed, to rip me off of Lucian, but gasped and jumped away from me when I, or whatever the fuck was currently controlling my body, hissed at her.

Turning back to Lucian, I shoved away from him and turned to look at Natasha, now very aware of the changes happening in my body.

"Natash--," My gutteral attempt at pleading with Natasha to somehow restrain me was cutoff when I felt an arm lock around my throat, successfully gaining my attention and further prolonging this altercation.

Looking down at the now clawed hand that served as a potentially warm scarf, I felt something snap inside me.

It felt like something rabid was trying to escape from depths deep within me that I myself didn't even know existed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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