Just A Taste; Part 2

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The cemetery was where she always hid.

She knew I'd always find her, yet she was determined to make this her permanent hiding spot even when me finding her was the last thing she wished for.

Though, I have no idea why she wouldn't want to see me. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to see me of all people? Yeah, she was probably avoiding someone else.

Opening the withered rusty gate that led directly towards the deserted path, I felt a sudden drop in temperature. She knows I'm here. The black sky hung over me like a suffocating sheath.

This particular cemetery was as creepy as cemeteries get. Broken tombstones were scattered all around and the expected eerie feeling was very much present. I could feel it in my bones.

Weariness started seeping in my bones as well and I quickly remembered why I was here and what I had to do. Find her and get what I came for. Get what I've been craving for the past three weeks.

Everywhere I turned, a silence prevailed, yet not so silent that there was no noise at all. It spoke to my un-steadied nerves. Among the trees, the wind whispered, calling to me.

The graveyard was so unsettling that it almost felt comfortable. Does that even make sense? Something so unnerving that it calms you?

The way the wind seemed to be whispering my name was almost... soothing. You are so fucked up.

Fucking hell! I thought I got rid of that stupid voice. Some things just don't leave. No matter how hard you want them to.

My neediness for a taste of euphoria was becoming dangerously unbearable. I was on the verge of peeling off my skin off with my own nails. This feeling of being so incomplete and needy was something that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Goddammit, if she's not here-

"Cynric! How sweet of you to pay me a visit," I spun around on the balls of my feet and there she was. The devil herself. It's like she sensed my presence. Where the fuck was she when I was walking around the entire cemetery like a dumbass?

She was standing in front of the mausoleum looking amused as hell. She must have cut her hair, it looked shorter since the last time I saw her. Her huge hazel eyes complimented her pitch black hair that stopped right above her chin.

"Aurora. You're looking fine as hell this evening," I replied with a crooked smile, "Have you done something to your hair?"

She smiled wider, "Yes actually, thank you for noticing." she replied in her crisp French accent, "It was becoming such a pest. You always know how to show a woman you've been paying attention." She said dreamily.

"Does Lucian know you're here? I asked him if you were at the club earlier and he told me you weren't, which is why I knew you would be here."

"Please. I wouldn't tell that lycan where I was even if my life depended on it." she swiftly replied with disdain while leaning on the side of the large cement tomb.

I raised an eyebrow, "Do you have even one scared bone in your body?" I questioned. "How are you able to lean on someone's final resting place without a care in the world?"

Her smile dropped momentarily, but came back full force, "Well, being a necromancer has it's perks, don't you think?" she mused, "Besides, you already know that I moved that old bat's body out of here to renovate and make this my home."

"Hm, ok. Uh, I suppose it does." My eyes darted from left to right and I quickly changed the subject "You know why I'm here, right?"

"Yes, yes I know why you're here. We all know why you're here," she said referring to the multiple graves surrounding us.

"Well... do you have it?" My nerves were starting up again. I could feel my hands start to tremble so I shoved them into my pockets.

She smiled again, "Come with me."

She led me inside the mausoleum and shut the large metal door behind us.

Inside was surprisingly homey, considering it was in the middle of a fucking graveyard. I've been here multiple times, so I'm just describing it for your sake.

There was a medium sized table in the middle of the living room, which was basically the entire place you walked into, and two brown daybeds on either side of the room. There was also a doorway to the left of the table that led to a small kitchen.

The bathroom was pretty small and was across from the kitchen. She slept on one the daybeds, seeing as there was no space for any bedrooms.

I sat on the daybed to the left while Aurora searched her cabinets and pulled out a little blue velvet pouch. Euphoria was so close.

"How you're able to survive these is beyond me." Aurora muttered to herself, disbelievingly.

Aurora opened the pouch and took out a little red pill. The pill that I'd do anything for.

She handed it to me and quickly tied the pouch and put it back in her cabinet so she could watch me. She loved to watch me.

I placed the pill on my tongue, swallowed, and laid back mentally preparing myself for what was to come. It started working immediately and my stomach dropped as a feeling of dread came over me.

White hot pain seared in my left leg. It was in my veins. It felt like a fiery liquid, much like hot lava, was under my skin leaving a burning trail as it moved from one place to another. I grunted.

The pain had spread like wild fire and coursed throughout my entire body. It was overwhelming, but I wanted this more than anything. I yelled so loud that my throat burned, but it was euphoria. Painful euphoria.

"Cynric!" she hissed, "You'll wake up the dead!" I barely heard her. This is fucking painful, Aurora. I can't hold it in.

The fire had spread from my left leg to my right and it was so strong that I could barely open my eyes. Sweat trickled from each and every pore that was on my body. This was a good thing. I wanted this.

I was drenched and my arms soon joined in on the onslaught of pain. It felt like I was being burned alive, burned at the stake. You want this.

The pain was in my soul. It was so strong that I could feel my body wanting to shut down, but I willed my self to stay conscious.

The best part was yet to come. I could feel it heading towards my heart. I just wanted a taste. Just a taste, but I got so much more and I loved it.

I turned my head to look at Aurora through my barely open eyes and was mildly surprised to see concern in her face. I was close. I was so close.

The pain finally reached my heart and everything went white. A ringing sound was all I could hear. My body was melting. So much raw pleasure racked throughout my entire body, that I almost passed out.

It was like I was floating on a cloud, like nothing could harm me when I was in this little pain-free bubble of pleasure. I felt invincible.

Then, my heart stopped beating.


Wanna hear a joke?

Why are there fences around cemeteries? Because people are dying to get in! Cheesy, I know.

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