It Wasn't Real

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I saw stars behind my eyes. The blackness seeping into reality and I finally grasped what I had said, felt and seen. I saw him.

"The devil? What do you mean you saw the devil?" she said worriedly. My stomach was in knots.

"I mean I fucking saw the devil. What else could I mean?" I roughly replied. I was currently feeling a mixture of annoyance, uneasiness, fear, and anger. I'm not sure what I saw.

She glanced at the floor, impatiently, "How do you know it was him?" she said through gritted teeth.

"The aura.. t-that's something that I will never forget. It was so black, so dark." My hands were shaking, "So inky that it made my own soul shiver in fear and despair."

Her eyebrows knitted together. "Are you sure it was Lucifer? Satan? It could've been any other demon, how do you know it was the real deal?"

"No, noI know it was him or it. Does Satan even have a gender?" A migraine formed in my left temple, "And if all demons had that much dark energy, we'd all be fucked."

"Why would Satan just be there when you arrived? Where exactly did you go when you were... unconscious?"

"I never said I was just there. It was like I entered some sort or something. Does that even make sense? I don't know what I saw. Maybe I didn't see anything. I don't know." I rambled, confused with my own memories.

She huffed. "Try to remember, Cynric." She said through gritted teeth. I was getting anxious and like a switch I felt my eyes glaze over as a flashback of my dream came back to me.


My core was still receiving little jolts of pleasure and pain from my earlier ride.

Darkness. It was all I could see. It was all around me. There were no ups or downs, just a void empty space.

I was just floating. I couldn't feel my body. I couldn't feel anything. I co—

Smack. Smack. Smack.

The sound of gum chewing entered my ears. Was someone here?

I couldn't even move my eyes to look around. It didn't even feel like I had eyes, yet I was still able to see at a full 360° angle. Technically, you can't see anything. It's pitch black, remember?

Great, I lose my body, but I still hear that damn voice.

It was like I had eyes on the side and back of my invisible head. It was frustrating because I still couldn't see anything but darkness.

It was kind of like when you're laying in bed a night and it's quiet and dark because you've turned all of the lights off and a motorcycle from hell comes speeding down your block and scares the shit out of you.

You can't see it but you can hear it and that very thought mixed with the sounds ringing in your ears succeeds in making your heart race.

Smack. Smack. Smack.

The chewing lip smacking sound got louder in my nonexistent ears. I couldn't see anything at all. I couldn't even feel myself for God's sake.

Suddenly, I could see a figure through the blackness. The outline of the somewhat humanoid body was foggy, as if it were made of actual smoke.

It was getting bigger, which means either I was moving towards it or it was moving towards me.

I was definitely floating towards it because as it got bigger I realized the figure hadn't at all; it had been in the same upright position as it was when I first saw it.

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