Possibly Decoded

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I could hear the music blaring as I stood in line. There weren't that many people waiting on line, maybe about 10 or so, and I figured that I may as well wait too.

It's shockingly humid outside, but I'm close to the front. It's gotten a lot darker throughout the course of a few minutes.

I raked my fingers through my hair and move forward, stopping in front of Tony and flashing him one of my infamous lazy smirks.

Giving me a menacing yet inviting look, he cracked a smile and stepped  back to let me inside.

Once I'm in, my eyes have to adjust to the darkness, though they did so almost instantly. Metamorphosis.

As I entered the club, the intermingled smells of smoke and sweat and too many people instantly assaulted my nostrils as I inhaled deeply.

Surprisingly, there was a lot of people here compared to the line ratio.

Ahhh, it's good to be home, I thought and pushed my body through the pulsating throng of people. There were multicolored flashing lights on the dance floor, but they're not bright enough to reach beyond that. It's very crowded this evening even though it's only 12 past 6.

As I made my way to the bar, dancing sweaty bodies pressed and rubbed up against me. I didn't mind though, it's the fastest way across the room.

I felt their eyes on me as I passed and waved at the bartender, motioning for him to approach me.

"An Aviation--straight up, no ice." I said in a hoarse voice, and he nodded and melted away into the cries of other thirsty people.

My eyes searched the entire pub looking for a familiar face. I sat on one of the stools, propping my right elbow on the table and leaned back.

Something weird was happening to me, that I knew. Ever since my last ride, things have changed. It's like my body itself was... changing... improving.

My eyesight has gotten better, my reflexes have gotten sharper. A few days ago when I was shaving with a straight razor, yes I've gotta keep that beard in the down-low, and there was a blackout. I tried to put the blade down on the sink but somehow missed it in the dark.

I felt the blade falling, maybe it was the woosh of air it made while plummeting downwards or the sound it made when it scraped the side of the sink.

I don't know how, but it was like I could feel and see it falling, even in the darkness. I caught it mere inches away from where it fell--mili-seconds after it descended. I caught it fucking mid-air, man.

I was hot shit right now, if I do say so myself. An absolute catch.     

Looking around the bar again, my eyes locked on the T.V. mounted on the wall adjacent to me. A news broadcast was on and my attention snapped to it.

"In the latest news, a 16-year-old girl's body has been found in an alley near George's Point. Investigators have discovered that it was a murder." A blonde woman with high eyebrows said, a seemingly false facade of sadness etched onto her tanned face.

"The victim's body was found nearly drained of blood with her eyes turned fully white. Her hair was apparently dyed partially gray with a carved upside-down cross on her chest. Officials are concluding that this was some sort of sacrificial incident. Isn't that frightening, Tom?" The woman said turning to her co-anchor with a fake frown now plastered on her face.

"It sure is Julie! Now, to Nathan with the weather!" He said smiling pathetically at the camera. What kind of person smiles at the thought of sacrifice, besides Aurora?

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