Chapter 4

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S a l m a

The ride in the elevator was a little awkward due to the silence and conversations dying off as the elevator ride took a great amount of time to get to the 42nd floor. Every once in a while I could feel Harry's stare on me and I was relieved when the elevator had stopped at our floor. I felt a little worried about being neighbours with Harry. He didn't seem as friendly as the others, you could tell he was more distant.   After evacuating the elevator and heading in to the pent house I was immediately stunned at the great job my people did. It took me ages to design this place, it looked beautiful. Hannah and Liam walked in hand in hand. Hannah's jaw dropped open. Liam chuckling at her reaction. " Did you design this? " Nial mumbled next to me eyes luring around the house. "Yes I have" saying proudly feeling slightly cocky at my words but brushing it off. I laughed at Nial as his eyes went wide in disbelief. "This is amazing, maybe you could come over and redesign my house too! I'm getting a little bored of it" he said with a smile across his face.

"That would be fun, just let me know when?" I questioned. And he nodded with a smile.
We all made our way to the couch and sat down. "How big is this house !!?" Louis questioned as he wondered around the living room.
"Well actually there are 6 bedrooms and 1 master suite, each with a closet, 8 bathrooms, 1 for each room and a guest one this level,2 kitchens, the balcony with a garden and an infinity pool." I concluded feeling slightly embarrassed with their eyes on me. Everyone was quick to recover. Except Harry , I could feel his intense stare and I was scared to make eye contact though after a while of looking at my shoes I looked up and immediately made eye contact with him that was held for what seemed like ages. After peeling my eyes away I was suddenly interested in finding out more about Harry. The thoughts were circling in my brain. "You alright?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hannah's voice. I gave her a smile and a look that said we will talk later.

H a r r y

I couldn't keep My eyes off of her she was very... Different. I knew nothing about this girl but everything inside me told me that I should. She caught me staring at her twice and I feel so dumb. I don't know what I would say to her if I did approach her! "Harry, you okay mate?" Liam whispered from next to me and realised how long I've been lost in my thoughts. "Yeah I'm alright mate, just thinking" I replied my voice low so no one could hear me.
"Well stop staring it's rude" he chuckled from next to me.
Shaking my head disapprovingly I nudged him in his side with a wide grin on my face. It surprises me how Liam notices the smallest of things.
I then come to realise that it's getting late and the boys have wanted to leave and I obliged and got up. The boys said their goodbyes to the girls and it was my turn, I felt panic rush through me and that worries me because I've never been nervous to talk to a girl. Salma was now in front of me her eyes filled with wonder and confusion. "Bye Harry, I'll see you around" she broke the silence. "Bye, if you need anything I'm across the hall" I replied trying to sound a bit more friendly. She looked to the floor and nodded before looking back up at me with a slight smile she was holding back. I walked out the door and we looked back, waving at us before she was no longer in sight.

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