Chapter 12

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N i a l l

In some way I was happy that Harry had the balls to stand up to Amber for us. Even though I knew he did it because of what I said, he's obviously trying to prove something here. I actually knew I wouldn't stand a chance with Sal but to be honest it was worth the try. Harry usually gets the girl even if he doesn't notice! But hey I guess that if she was right for me then it would've worked but I guess not.

I walked to the park next to the building and starting kicking around a football. By accident I kicked it to hard that it went flying to the other side. Hitting someone on the head.
"Ohh shoot" I quickly ran over to what seemed like a girl now and saw her on the ground rubbing her head. She had Dark brown hair that reached just under her shoulders she wore big black glasses. She finally looked up. She has brown eyes, light brown like a hazel. Wow she was breath taking.
"Are you okay?" I asked her offering her my hand to help her stand up.

"Umm yeah I'm fine, you got a strong kick tho" she replied trying to avoid eye contact. I noticed that her books were of the ground.

"Oh let me help you" I bent down and started gathering her books and papers with her. "I'm really sorry btw, I didn't mean to do that" I broke the awkward silence.

"Oh it's fine don't worry about it"

"I'm Niall btw" I put my hand out for a shake. It took her a moment to react. She looked hesitant. Then put her hand out to mine.

"Billur... But you can call me B" she smiled showing off her perfect teeth.

I walked around the park with B getting to know her better. She said she lived in dubai before but it was a couple of years ago, I wonder if she knew Sal and Hannah. She also told me that it was her last year of high school and that she is 17 which makes her 2 years younger than I am. I got her number and walked her to her house which was a 20 min walk. It was a small neighbourhood with small villas. I gave her a hug and told her I will text her later to hang out. Yes I asked for her number. She was pretty cool I think the guys and girls will like her. I got back home to only see Harry sitting on the couch with his laptop as soon as I shut the door he turned around to face me.

H a r r y

I heard the door close and I looked behind me to find Niall. Just the person I was looking for. I put my laptop on the table and walked up to Niall to give him a brotherly hug.

"Niall, thank you." He looked confused! " thank you for helping me realise that the past doesn't matter anymore and that I can't hold onto it forever or else it will ruin me. I've spoken to Salma and told her about everything and she understand but she doesn't want to be anything more than friends which I can understand. I know it means I have to win her over now and prove to her I'm trust worthy" Niall's lips pulled into a smile

"You know Harry, I think you have a chance just don't ruin it mate. She's good for you." He said with a hint of jealousy but not quiet as intense as the one I heard this morning.

"I wouldn't have been able to do it. Thanks for the rant btw" I said sarcastically and he burst into laughter.

"Ya know, your nicer after someone has a go at you, I think I'll do it more often" Niall beamed.

"In your dreams Horan, never will I be nice to you again like that"

After that we made popcorn and sat down to watch 'The Lucky One' which made Niall cry endlessly. It was actually weird seeing him like this but it was very funny to watch him cry over a romantic movie. I never knew he was such a softie.

"I met a girl today" Niall told me as he was now sitting next to me on the kitchen stool.

"What's her name?" I was actually really happy for him, he's like a little brother to me and I will definitely help him out with this stuff.

"Billur" he replied with a cheeky smile on his face then continued " she doesn't like people calling her by her full name so she likes to be called B... She's really pretty Harry. She's very simple yet there is so much to figure out "

I looked at him and smiled as an idea popped into my head. "Niall why don't we have a dinner party and invite her so we can all meet her and you guys can hang out" I said excitedly knowing that he would agree.

"Oh god Harry that's perfect!" He was about to call her but I stopped him.

"I think you should do this a better way Niall, don't call her or text her!" I was Deep in thought "if you know where she lives you can either ask her yourself or send her an invitation and we will send a bunch off to other friends too if you would like ?"

His eyes lit up he chose the invitation idea since he wants it to seem mysterious. That night I went online to look for catering services and where to buy decorations. Then I remembered that there is a designer living next door to us that would be thrilled to plan something like this. I think I'm actually excited for this because I haven't seen Niall like this for a while and it would be nice to see him happy with someone by his side. I just hope nothing goes wrong, I would do anything for Niall and I'm sure if Louis and Liam found out they would help me out as much as possible. It was now 11:49 pm and I was exhausted. I decided I was going to tell them or make Niall tell them tomorrow morning. I walked up to my room and I stripped out of my clothes and got undertow covers to drift off to sleep...

Sorry guys this is a short chapter, but the next few chapters will be full of drama and they will be longer than this one! -S xoxo

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