Chapter 9

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Basically these are the girls in the book , facing the screen on the top left is Charlotte , top right is Hannah and bottom picture is Salma xxx

L i a m

Sitting with the girls watching a movie, hannah sitting next to me with her head on my shoulder. at the moment i felt so grateful to have her. She's been with me through everything! Hannah and I met in August last year which makes us together for a bout a year! Actually our anniversary is in two days and I know I've got to do something special since it has been a year. I've thought about moving things with Hannah to the next level but I keep thinking that she doesn't want to and  that it's too early since she also just started Uni. What Hannah doesn't know is that in Uni girls do want to date me and when I tell them I'm taken they would flip shit and question me about who the girl is but I don't generally answer them.

I have a feeling that she might have a hard time dealing with bitchy girls in UCLA but I know how strong she is and I know that no matter what happens she will be able to deal with it. 

S a l m a

I woke up to the burning sun coming through the window. I looked at the clock which read 3:09pm. I also found a message from Harry which made me shoot up in my bed. I opened the text a smile making a way on my face immediately. The text was sweet and simple, he was awake and was thinking of me.. I thought of a reply typing it thee. Deleting it to think of a better one 'Good morning❤️ kinda couldn't sleep either, that's why I'm awake pretty late :p' I quickly pressed send and got out of bed and took a shower.

After I had finished my shower I put on some black high waisted jeans, white leather converse and a black tank top. I wasn't bothered to dry my hair so I left it to dry by itself I went down stairs to find everyone sitting on the couch watching a movie. I greeted them and I received multiple greetings back earning smiles from them. I could see that Louis speech has affected Charlotte and they are currently cuddled up on the couch infront of the flat screen TV. I made my way to the kitchen and started to make pancakes for myself and plugged my head phones in to listen to some music while doing so. I started gathering the ingredients and mixed them together, every now and then swaying to the music. By the time I have started putting the batter in the pan I was full on dancing in the middle of the kitchen, going a bit wild with my moves. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me from behind when I turned to look there was no one so I continued with my ridiculous dance moves. The thing is, I was actually a good dancer but sometimes I do like to have fun and go a bit crazy like no one is watching .when I was doing a ballet pirouette, my eyes landed on a figure in the corner I stopped from turning once again to see no other than Harry staring at me with a grin on his face, he was obviously amused about what he had just seen. 

I felt my heat flush a deep pink I looked away from his intense stare and let my eyes wonder around the room where it landed on the pan where there was a burning pancake.
"Oh shit" I ran to the stove and took the pan off of it quickly and put it in the sink.. I turned around with a smile that screamed I'm such a goof. He only let out a small chuckle and made his way to me, reaching his hand out to hold mine in his. My body tensed at the contact that sent electricity through every inch of my body. My breath was ridged as he inched closer until our foreheads were touching.
"You know you're cute when you dance like that" I tried to look away from his stare but he pulled my face back up with his fingers under my chin. "Please don't be shy from me" he asked almost pleadingly. I nodded and smiled then he connected his lips with mine briefly for a small sweet kiss.

"We have a lot of talking to do" I made it clear to him.

"Yes we do" I was glad to know that he agreed to what I said and took my hand and we made our way back out to the living room where everyone was. As soon as we walked into the room, everyone's eyes were on us and our hands that were entwined with each other. Harry noticed their stares but his grip tightened.

Harry diverted everyone's eyes to his as he spoke. "We'll be going for a walk around the block, we won't be gone for long" they all smiled at us and diverted their attention back to the TV.


After for walking about 10 minutes we arrived at a place near a stream next to a field of grass with a gazebo decorated with red roses. Along the way Harry had asked me about dubai and how it's like there and if I ever wanted to go back. After I got to LA I don't want to go back.

I sat down inside the gazebo and Harry made his way next to me and took a seat. At that moment I didn't know what to say..

"I used to come here everyday after school in my last year of high school, it's very peaceful and calming. I'd come here to get away from the real world and just get lost in my thoughts, mainly the thoughts I couldn't be able to share , not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't bring myself to say them out loud"  it took me a moment to process what he was just saying.

"Harry, I don't know why you are telling me this but thank you for taking me to your special place" he flashed me one of his famous smiles and continued speaking.

"Sal, when I saw you that day in the lobby I couldn't stop thinking about you and I was so distant because I thought I would hurt you, I thought that somehow this would be a heart break but I realised that if I don't take the risk of trying we won't find out what this could be, I also thought that maybe this could be something special, this is why you saw a change in me, I decided that I should try harder and not push you away especially that ever since you came you've been nothing but kind. Last night at the club when I couldn't find you behind me I went crazy and started looking for you like I'm an idiot, and when I saw his hands on you I felt the urge to be protective over you like I had some kind of claim on you, it drove me crazy to see his dirty hands on you" My thoughts were going crazy. Harry actually cares and he wants to try this out! But the problem is .. Am I ready to try this out ???

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