Chapter 18

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H a r r y

she has passed out in my arms. I was panicking. I picked up the phone and called an ambulance and then called Hannah after that. Within 10 minutes Hannah and everyone else have arrived and the ambulance shortly after. Salma was still passed out. the ambulance had taken her to the hospital with hannah and charlotte with her and i grabbed her phone from the ground and followed out in my car. we drove off behind the ambulance and when we reached she was already in the emergency room. After an hour the doctor came out and asked to speak to me.

"Harry what happened?" doc asked me

"well she was on her phone and i think she received a text, after that she was in shock for a while then she passed out" i explained

"well harry whatever she saw caused her heart rate to slow down that not enough oxygen was inside her system, thats what caused her to pass out. What she had experienced was a panic attack but it happened so fast that it caused her to pass out. She is okay now and she is asleep, i would suggest when she can go home tomorrow she would be under supervision for the next week at least. She is not to be left alone at all. I will give you a prescription for her medication."

"thank you doc, when can i go in to see her." i asked

"you can go in now" and with that he had walked away

Everyone had went to get some food and offered for me to come but I refused to leave her alone. I walked to Salma's room and slowly entered peaking inside. She was still asleep. I sat down next to her and took her phone out of my pocket. When I unlocked her phone that did not have a password there was a text open and as I saw the text my eyes went wide and I now know what made her panic like that. Who ever that was, he or she is getting no where near her. They would have to go through me first. This person was obviously someone she was afraid of if it had caused that to happen to her.

I looked up to see Salma's eyes fluttering open.

S a l m a

Headache. My vision was still blurry. I can see a figure sitting on the chair next to the bed but I was not able to make out who it was. My eyes were now completely open and the person came into my sight.


He was here next to me waiting for me to wake up. I couldn't remember what happened. I saw Harry holding my phone and froze. The memories flashed back. Spending the day with Harry. The dream. The text. He put the phone down and came closer to me.

"Sal, how you feeling?" His voice was full of concern.

"I- I'm fine" my voice was weak. Almost as if I was forcing it out. "Just got a headache"

"The nurse left this for you so if you woke up and felt bad you could take one." He took two pills from the packet and handed them to me along with water.

"Salma.." He trailed off. I waited unsure of what questions he was going to ask me.

"Who texted you?" He questioned with his head in his hand and him clutching onto his hair.

I think it's time I tell him. He was so confused. He had to save me when he doesn't know what is happening or why it happened.

"Around two years and a half ago, I met this guy Hayden. He was very well known around Dubai. He used to talk to me a lot and always take me places and take me to parties. Hayden asked me to be his girlfriend after 4 months of knowing each other and I agreed of course." I huffed taking a deep breath. He looked up at me to encourage me to continue."I was so naive, I thought I was In love with him. For a while he took me on dates and did cute things. He was caring and kind. Then at school one day he showed up and decided it was okay to basically harass me infront of many people. I was never the one to show affection in public. He dragged me to his car that day and started to scram at me for not kissing back or showing affection, I was scared. I didn't think that he would do something like that. I thought that he must have had a bad day. When that happened I cut off connections with him to protect myself. It was a week that I didn't see him and I heard that he'd been doing drugs and was always drunk when he wouldn't take me to places. Just so I wouldn't tell him to stop.... One day I was going home from school then I felt like I was being followed when I turned around he was less than inches away from me I tried to run but he wouldn't let me. He was to strong. He took me to the alley way and held me against the wall. I kicked him where it would hurt the most and ran home, and turned of the lights thinking he wouldn't notice I was home. I was in my room and I heard something being knocked down. He broke into my house and tried to do some nasty things and when he was done I was left there for a while till my parents were home. Since then I hadn't dated and my parents had always kept an eye out. There was always someone around me Incase of anything happening. He did try to get close to me but every time he would see I'm with someone and back away. I decided to move to LA for a new  beginning and to get away from living in so much fear." I finished off my story. Harry was now clenching his jaw and his hands were running through his hair. Tears were streaming down my face endlessly.

When his eyes shot back up to mine he saw that I was unstable and took two strides and embraced me in a hug while I was still in bed. I was sobbing into his shoulder.

"He was the one who sent the message telling me he had found me and that he would be coming" I told him.

"He would have to get past me to get to you and I won't let that happen. You are safe. I'll protect you with everything I got Sal, you don't know what you mean to me" his words were soothing and comforting. I relaxed at his words and let out a muffled thank you where my head was pressed on his shoulder. He placed a soft kiss to my head. We stayed like this for a while enjoying each other's presence. He was really something and I do believe that he will protect me from Hayden.. 

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