Chapter 24

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I couldn't move i was so shocked she had kissed me back. I thought she would push me off as soon as i had come closer to her.
I smiled at her before moving off of her to stand up offering my hand to help her get up, with my arm around her waist. I scanned her body looking at how there where hand prints of paint on her legs and shirt. She looks so cute, she noticed my stare which made her cheeks flush. I
slipped my fingers between hers holding her hand tightly. This girl is something and sometimes i can't find the words to tell her what i feel.

"let's go get cleaned up and go to bed. Its already 11:21" I smiled at her, i feel so weird and i cant wipe the stupid smile off my face.

"yeah, you go shower first i'll make us sandwiches till you finish" she smiled back slipping her fingers away from mine and went into the kitchen. I went up stairs taking a change of clothes (sweat pants and a hoodie since we were in December and it was pretty cold at night) and went into the bathroom stripping my clothes off rinsing my body off with soap, trying to make it quick so there would be enough hot water for Sal.

I dried my body off and got dressed, went outside to find a tray with four sandwiches of grilled cheese with two cups of orange juice, but she was no where in sight. i turned around and saw her coming up the stairs with her bag. She smiled before walking past me and into the bathroom. Why were things so awkward after we kiss.. well i wouldn't say awkward but it's like she put her guard back up. The wall she keeps building up, preventing her from letting anyone in. I want to  break the wall down and let her open up to me. I know she wouldn't have kissed me back if she didn't feel anything for me, i know she is just scared but i would never hurt her.

My trail of thought was cut off by the bathroom door opening and Salma coming out in black tight shorts and an over sized hoodie, her hair was wet leaving small marks on her shirt from the water. she smiled at me before sitting down next to me and taking a bite out of a sandwich. I took mine also taking a bite out of it.

"You still didn't ask me any questions" she said while taking another bite out of her sandwich.

"oh so you want me to ask questions" i said while raising my eyebrows at her.

"don't get excited styles, i wanna ask questions too" she said with a cheeky wink, causing my to laugh.


Harry kissed me. I can't believe it had happened again, i couldn't pull away, i didn't want to.
Sitting here with him just felt right. He made this day so perfect, he made me forget about Hayden for a while. He managed to make me smile after the dreadful few days that had passed by. I was grateful that Harry would protect me but in a way i feel guilty. He shouldn't be dragged into my problems, i wouldn't want Hayden to hurt him. For now i need to stop worrying and enjoy the night. I wouldn't want to ruin anything.

"you ask first" i broke the silence as he gulped down some juice.

"Favourite colour?"

"Maroon& black... what about you?"

"Green" he smiled showing his dimples that i've grown to love.

"I get to ask you now" i cut him off before he said anything. "Do you have a Talent?"

He paused then nodded his head. "umm- Singing but i haven't sang in front of anyone except my family" Boy do i want to hear him sing, but right now i didn't want to push it.

"maybe one day you can sing to me" it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"yeah maybe" he said while biting down on his lip deep in thought. "let's get some sleep its been a long day" he said looking back up to me. "do you mind sharing the bed?"

"i- um i dont mind" i managed to answer without sounding like a scared little girl.

He nodded and turned off the lights each of us taking up our sides of the bed, no one speaking a word. Only our breathing could be heard, and soon enough i fell asleep.


Louis and i spent the last two days together, But he seemed nervous and distant i didn't really like it. I knew there was something he didn't tell me.

"Lou is everything okay? You've been really quiet"

we were now sitting in the university cafeteria waiting for hannah, Liam and Niall. Harry had told Louis that Him and Sal wouldn't be coming today as they had plans. I looked at Lou who was shaking his head. "everything, is fine" he mumbled out. I decided not to comment on the lack of communication between us, that bothered me.  Its been almost 4 months now since we moved to LA and everything that's been happening has been so over whelming.


I Just finished my last class and i was glad i hadn't bumped into Hayden today. 

Niall and Hannah had already finished and were waiting by the car for us to go home. throughout the car ride hannah and Niall were engaged in a conversation, I tuned them out and got lost in my own thoughts.

We exited the Elevator as we invited Niall over for lunch which he obviously agreed to. Walking up to our house door I could see some envelope on the floor. I walked fast reaching to pick it up to Find No name on it, No address, Nothing. Niall and Hannah were now by my side waiting for me to open it up.

I tore the envelope open and took out the paper and slowly opened it only expecting the worst due to recent events. And it was Bad, really bad.  My eyes scanned over the Three words many times, i felt Hannah grip onto my hand. I couldn't comprehend what is happening. The three words Sal would dread to hear.

Found you Sal - H

How are we supposed to tell her about this. He knows where she lives right now she is at more risk. I don't know who to call or to tell. I wouldn't be able to tell her myself, Just reading this made me a lot more terrified of what he is capable off. I wonder how salma would feel, this would probably be her worst nightmare. I can see Hannah and Niall pacing around the room also in loss of words.
No one seemed to know what to do but i have to tell Harry at least. He would know how to deal with this.

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Hope you enjoy this chapter❤️ I am trying to update as much as I can xx

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