Chapter 13

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The boys are wearing what's in the picture for tonight's party in this chapter ;) xx

S a l m a

I woke up to the sound of the door bell being run multiple times. I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Harry. He eyes my body and his face turned into a frown and a sly smirk made its way to his face. I looked at my appearance and realised I was wearing along white shirt that reached my mid thigh, the shirt was slightly see through which made me blush.
"Eyes up here Styles" I snapped my finger infront of his face, getting his attention. He let out a laugh. "Come in, make yourself at home. I'll be right back" he nodded and headed to the couch and turned on the TV.
I went up to my room and put some leggings on and my glasses since in was early and I hadn't got the chance to wear my contacts. When I was downstairs I went and sat on the other side of the sofa crossing my legs and facing him. "Whats up?" I questioned, he turned of the TV and directed his attention to me.

"You look nice in glasses" i bit my lip in embarrassment from his comment and mumbled a thank you. He then continued " I need your help, basically Niall met this girl and he wants to have this posh dinner party tonight and invite her, I was also thinking since it is Hannah and Liam's anniversary we might as well celebrate it. I need your help with organising this since you will probably know what to put as decorations and stuff like that." I looked at him with wide eyes, I was pretty excited for this.
"I already got some ideas in mind" I smiled widely and hopped off the couch to retrieve my laptop, and went back to sit with him. He was really handsome and he didn't even have to try. He is the kind of person that doesn't realise how beautiful he is. He thinks of everyone and tried not to let them down. Even the people he doesn't really like. He started telling me about his ideas for the dinner and everything was almost the same way I wanted it to be. I added a few things to it but that was it. We designed the invitations and made the guest list and called a caterer for the food and got everything sorted. I looked at the clock and realise it was now 12:43. Harry has been here for nearly 4 hours. Today and tomorrow we had holiday since the professors were on a training course. I went to put some converse on and let my hair out of the bun, which fell loosely on my back. Yeah it was a bit tangled but I will sort that out later. I went down and met Harry infront of his apartment since he went to put some shoes on too. We headed of to his Range Rover with my laptop in hand as well as my phone. We were now on our way to print the invitations and mail it to people. I turned on the radio and How deep is your love was playing. I starting singing and  soon enough Harry was also singing, he has a really nice voice. By the time we arrived at the printing place for invitations we were both singing at the top of our lungs. I looked at Harry as the song ended.
"You know you have a really nice voice" I admitted to him

"I've been told before, thank you but I don't usually sing infront of people so that makes you special, Moussa" he replied with a wink. I was in shock

"Don't call me by my last name Styles" I glared at him. "I think you should do something with the talent you have."

He ignored my comment and got out of the car. I rolled my eyes and followed him. He handed the man the laptop with the invitations with the people's names on it and he kindly printed them. Harry insisted on paying since it was his idea. We then walked a to the store next to the one we were in and asked for them to be mailed in the next hour. The man was being rude and stubborn until Harry slid a 100 dollar bill on the desk. The man smiled and said they will be delivered in the next hour.

By the time we were home the boys and girls were awake and in my apartment playing some video games. When we walked in Harry smiled at Niall and asked to talk to him. I assumed Harry had told him and he came up to me and engulfed me in a hug. It was no big deal because honestly Niall is like my brother now and I wouldn't do anything to change it. I would help him and stay by him no matter what. We sat down with everyone and they all looked at us confused. Liam already knew about this since he wanted to do something special for Hannah, but he played along.

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