Chapter 23

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I woke up around 9 am and went to the bathroom to brush my hair, making it look decent. My sweatpants hung loosely around my waist and the tank top tight around my body. I yawned while i opened the door of my room. My nose being filled with the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes. Someone is up early and must be in a pretty good mood since we all usually make our own food. My feet padded down the stairs and Hannah and Charlotte came into sight. There was music blaring from the speakers in the kitchen while they danced to the beat as they cooked. I burst out laughing, They turned and saw me dragging me to dance along with them.

Everyone was in some sort of a bad mood yesterday, i didn't think that anyone could wake up in a good mood after last night. while we danced i set the table and sat down with the girls to have breakfast. While we were eating the door bell rang, probably one of the boys coming to hang out.

"I'll get it" Hannah jumped from her seat and rushed to the door.

"what will you do today?" i asked charlotte

"well i don't really know, Lou said he was going to take me somewhere what about you?" she asked

"i don't know i think i'll just stay here and watch some movies or something" i looked down to my plate. I didn't really have the energy to do anything today after yesterday's events.

"No way!" a voice boomed through the doors. I knew who it was before i turned around, and as i did my thoughts were confirmed instantly by seeing the curly haired boy lean against the door frame. "come on get up, Put some clothes that you wouldn't mind getting dirty on" He smiled as he made his way over to me and embraced me into a bear hug while i was still sat. He gently placed a soft kiss on my head, making butterflies erupt in my stomach at the small gesture.

"And what do you have planned today Styles?" i questioned with a smirk on my face.

"surprise" he winked and i huffed in annoyance, earning a laugh from him. "now hurry up we need to get going, and get something you would be comfortable in sleeping in to. I don't know when we will be back" Hearing these words made me a excited about what he had planned, and looking at his appearance gave me a hint that it was going to be something messy. His hair was pushed back with a bandana, his body adorned with a white shirt with little holes at the hem and some ripped shorts with his black vans. I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone clearing their throat. I looked up and saw how he was smiling at me, noticing my stare. I could feel my cheeks flush pink and i tore my gaze away.

I went up to my room and pulled out a small backpack and threw in a large shirt with some yoga shorts and some underwear. when i finished packing i got dressed into a white V-neck shirt that i cut the sleeve off of, with my old denim shorts and my red bandana pairing them with my black vans. I took my phone from the charger and put it in my bag along with my spare charger. I made my way downstairs and Harry was waiting for me at the door, Taking my bag from me.

"so are you going to tell me" I gave him a wide smile trying to get him to tell me.

"well it's something you've seen before but i have different plans and hopefully this will be a good day" he said while keeping his eyes on me. Right now looking at him i've realised we are wearing almost the same thing. i laughed lightly to myself shaking my head about how i didn't notice earlier.

"what are you laughing at?" he questioned raising one of his eyebrows at me.

"we are wearing the same thing in a way" i laughed louder this time.

He eyed my outfit quickly then laughed along with me. We got to the garage and hopped into his black jeep. In the back seat there were bags of what seemed like stuff from the hardware store and the supermarket. I looked at harry with a confused look on my face but he just smiled and shrugged making me roll my eyes. we were on the road for 15 minutes and i started to recognise the roads and knew that we will be going to the cabin.

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