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Bigbumxox: hEY BABE

Harry_Styles: I'm not gay

Bigbumxox: you say that now

Harry_Styles: -_-

Bigbumxox: ❤❤ srsly hey tho

Harry_Styles: shouldn't you be in class?

Bigbumxox: shouldn't you be in class?

Harry_Styles: I'm out sick .

Bigbumxox: prove it

Harry_Styles: *image attached* see out like a puppy.

Bigbumxox: u shit! ur smoking weed. ur hot af

Harry_Styles: still not gay

Bigbumxox: yeAH yeah

Harry_Styles: well hby?

Bigbumxox: currently in study hall

Harry_Styles: nice

Bigbumxox: hey can I see your dick?

Harry_Styles: bro, what part of not gay don't you understand?

Bigbumxox: k. when girls ask how big u are I'll say it's peanut sized

Harry_Styles: wait who's asking?

Bigbumxox: some1. it's cool I think she's into peanut sized dudes. She's pretty easy .

Harry_Styles: how easy?

Bigbumxox: opens her legs faster than a kid opening their present Christmas day.

Harry_Styles: yeh okay here

Harry_Styles: *image attached*

Bigbumxox: uR HUGE holy fuck . plz fuck me.

Harry_Styles: still not gay .

Bigbumxox: :(((((

Harry_Styles: sorry bro

Bigbumxox: ugh don't call me that

Harry_Styles: why not?

Bigbumxox: cuz bros don't want their bro to fuck them

Harry_Styles: not my fault I'm hot

Bigbumxox: so concieted

Harry_Styles: it's the truth

Bigbumxox: I know lol

Harry_Styles: gotta go

Bigbumxox: but not even wanna fuck me a little?

Harry_Styles: still. not. gay

Bigbumxox: it was worth asking


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