/ Twenty Six /

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Harry was dumbfounded. He looked up at the glossy poster in a mixture of mostly shock and anger. People were gathered around the poster laughing into the palm of their hands.

Grunting, Harry ripped the poster from the wall, he crumpled it in his hands and shoved it into his backpack. "Um, Harry. There's like five of those in every hallway. And one on all the teachers doorways. You better get going before the bell rings." One of the girls informed him, she laughed in clear amusement and Harry flipped her off. He ripped down the similar posters that were hung up along the hallway.

It was him, anyone could easily tell by the tattoos on his hips and his hands which were holding- well originally they were holding his d-ck, but in these posters, there wasn't anything in his hand, you couldn't see it from far away anyway. Not until you got up close, it was photoshopped in, brilliantly of course.

A fucking one inch peanut in place of where his d-ck should have been. The caption being:

"Harry Styles and he says its 8inches".

Harry's anger only continued to boil over as he ripped the posters down. His bag now overflowing with the thick material. It came down to the last hallway.

Harry walked past Louis, who didn't even try to look away as he looked on with amusement as Harry tore down the posters in the hallway. Harry stomped down the hallway, and threw his backpack into his locker. He bluntly ignored the stares that everyone was giving him.

Louis sighed dramatically. "See. Told you it was peanut sized, as disgusting, as the person it belongs to." He said loudly.

Harry ignored him. He grabbed his books and walked away. He heard Louis' loud laugh behind him, followed by those around him. Harry shrugged, he didn't care. Louis' attempts were pathetic. He'd be crawling back in the end.


The next day, screenshots were posted everywhere. Louis had made sure to tell Zayn to shove them into people's lockers just for the heck of it.

Harry picked some up, and they all basically showed how desperate he was to get a f-ck. Only his name wasn't blurred, the other one was. People would find out just how desperate he was.

Louis was fucking up his image. Harry didn't bother grabbing the papers. Instead he walked right over to Louis. Louis crossed his arms in front of him. "What?" He asked.

Harry dropped the papers that he had found in his locker at his feet. "At least," he said loudly, it grabbed everyone's attention. "I wasn't desperate enough to make a fake account."

Louis paled, he tried to walk away, but Harry kept a strong hold on his arm. "At least I don't keep a pathetic grudge for 2 years. At least I don't dress up in girls clothes and pretend to be a girl. At least I'm not so fuxking desperate that I'll pretend to be someone else just to get someone to like me."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Louis muttered.

Harry laughed coldly, his curls bounced slightly as he shook his head and smiled. "You're the desperate one here Louis. You're the whore. That's all you ever were and all you'll ever be. Yeah, I'm a whore too, but I'm not going to shy away from it. I didn't make a fake account. I didn't send dirty pictures pretending to be someone else- dirty pictures that I still have. So if you know what's good for you, you'll stop this stupid game right now."

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