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They locked eyes for a really long time, and then Harry fxcking attacks him. Louis sidesteps away from him, but Harry grabs his waist. Louis turns around and elbows Harry in the face.

"Honestly, would it have killed you to be nice?" Is all Louis says, he tsks and walks out of the room, Harry nurses a bleeding nose.

All he can see is fire, his reputation is gone. Harry quickly runs out the room as well, he tackles Louis who is at the edge of the lawn.

"wILL YOU STOP DOING THAT?" Louis yells. he's breathing heavy, and Harry feels like a ton on him. Harry grabs Louis' wrists and pins them to his side.

"Why." Harry asked.

"You hate me. You've humiliated me too many times, you think you have the control well guess you never had the control." Louis exclaimed.

Harry picks him up and throws him over his shoulder. "I'll scream," Louis warns.

"Okay. Do it." Harry tells him.

Louis doesn't. he lets himself be carried back into Harry's home. Harry throws him onto the couch, Louis groans as his back hits the material underneath him.

"Why couldn't you be normal? Why couldn't you just leave me the fuck alone." Harry demanded.

"Because my stupid self still liked you damnit. Is it that hard to believe? Maybe, I actually liked you. Maybe it wasn't just about you fucking me. Maybe it was never about that!"

Harry is completely baffled. "Thats all you made it seem like."

Louis snorts, he sits up and rolls his eyes. "Forget it. Go fxck yourself."

Harry sighs. "What is Zayn posting?"

Louis giggles, the look that Harry is giving him only makes him laugh harder. "Dick pics, screenshots of you telling me you wanna fxck mee. You confessing you're in fact not straight. Going to break quite some hearts tomorrow morning," Louis grins mischievously.

Harry's fists tighten. "You'll ruin me. We'll get kicked out of school-"

"No. you will, not I. Nobody knows it's my user-"

"I'll tell them-"

"Your word, against mine Styles. Now, would you believe a slutty football player or me? A teachers pet." Louis bats his eyelashes, Harry feels like punching a wall.

"What can I do?" Harry says in defeat.


"I'm not repeating myself," Harry snaps.

Louis laughs. He crosses his legs in front of him and tilts his head, as if he were analysing Harry's words. His nose has dried blood, and his cheeks are bright, eyes a dull green.

"Nothing." Louis muttered. Harry tries to control his anger. "Except," and Louis paused. "Apologise....and....Beg,"

"Go to hell." Harry yelled.

"Alright, see you there." Louis hopped off the couch. Harry is frozen in front of the couch, Louis is halfway to the front door when finally-


Louis turns in slight surprise.  "Okay?"

"Fuck you. Okay, fuck you, Louis Tomlinson. I'm sorry- I'm sorry, I blew you off two years ago. I'm sorry I've been a complete shithead for the longest time. I'm sorry, okay, I'm so bloody sorry." Harry whispers, but he's looking directly into Louis' eyes. Louis doesn't smile, not yet anyway. He only stares back, Harry sighs. He rubs his cheek for a second before continuing. "Please, please, don't post those photos. Please."

"Not. Good. Enough." Louis smiles softly.

Harry sighed, his shoulders slumped forward and he lost whatever fight was in him. He walked over to Louis, cupped his cheeks in his hands and leaned in. "Please?" Harry asked. "Please. Please. Please. don't post those photos. I'll get kicked off the football team, I'll get suspended, oh please Louis!" Harry felt like screaming (he didn't. He whispered) because Louis could not post those photos- he just couldn't.

Louis only stared back. He looked down at his phone. "Okay." Is all he says. Harry sighs in relief. Louis bites his lower lip. "Do you really hate me? All this aside, am I really that shitty?" Louis asks softly.
Harry doesn't say anything. "I just wanted you to like me. I've liked you since primary school. You never gave me the time of day though, but its okay I guess. You're not worth it anymore. Don't worry, you won't hear from me ever again." Louis frowned deeply. "I'm sorry I don't have tits, and I'm sorry I'm the fake person you've been talking to. I'm sorry it took this long for me to realize that I could hope and daydream about you wanting me but I can't force it. I'll delete you from Twitter. I'm sorry I'm so shitty that you hate me so much and you don't even know me."

"You have this thing for me and you don't know me either," Harry points out. He still figures he's stepping on eggshells so he can't blow his cool.

Louis laughs. "You're right. I don't know you. Not one bit. I don't know that you practice your bum off every Thursday for two more hours even after official practice for football is over, but you still think you're not good enough for the following game. I don't  know that you hate mushrooms on your pizza, or you only like Pepsi soda. I don't know that yeah you seem like a complete asshole but you still end up favouriting photo sets of cats on Twitter. I don't know that when you laugh at something Niall says, your eyes end up twinkling, and you clutch your tummy. or you roll your eyes whenever Liam starts acting too bossy. I absolutely don't know that you love to draw, and you wrinkle your nose slightly when you see someone you dislike, or that you like to stare out of the window in maths but you still know the answer when the teacher calls. I don't know that when you're sad you get really quiet and not even Niall can make you laugh. when you're too happy you sing that one song that you've been singing for over three years. So you're right Harry. I don't know you. not one bit." Louis mutters incoherently for a second before standing up straight.

Louis breaks away from Harry. He pulls out his phone, Louis_Tomlinson: forget it ...for now.

ZaynMalik: u sure?

Louis_Tomlinson: yeh. save them for another time where I haven't completely confessed my feelings and am currently vulnerable

ZaynMalik: smh u were sposed to tell him off. Not confess. Damn it Louis.

Louis_Tomlinson: sue me :(

ZaynMalik: ur lucky I only managed to tape in one hallway and stuff in like ten lockers. I'll see you in half.

Louis_Tomlinson: bring ice cream.

Louis slips the phone into his back pocket. "I'll see you Harry," he mumbles. He shakes his head, and this time when he walks out, Harry doesn't try to stop him.

It's not like Louis expected him too. .


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Harry knows Louis' secret. What do you think will happen? Will Harry be nice? Will Louis throw away those copies? (D I C K pics and all) will Harry go back to being a bumhole? Will Louis find love in someone else? Will- I'll shut up now.

#harrynoods for me not 4 u - Louis

petition to make babygate taboo in this fandom.

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