Chapter 2

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Michael's POV

Eleven days, thirteen hours, and twenty-four minutes. It's been eleven days, thirteen hours, and twenty-four minutes since Skip destroyed me using only three words, and with every breath I take the pain grows. The first time she said 'I hate you,' I knew she didn't mean it, but this time, I could see it in her eyes, she wanted to hurt me. And she did, she tore me down, and then spit on the pieces.

I didn't admit it to myself at that time though, after watching her run away, I swallowed down my fucked-up feelings and turned quickly, also disappearing into the crowd of people. I laughed to myself, saying she didn't matter, she was just a girl. She couldn't possibly have my world wrapped around her tiny fingers.

I sped back to campus, and pissed off, found the fuck bags I call my 'friends.' They were already shit faced in Carleigh's room when I got there, slamming the door open and plopping down angrily on her bed.

"Damn, what happened to your face?" Nat laughed, kicking back a bottle of vodka. There was already a purple bruise adorning my cheek. I grumbled under my breath. "She happened to my face." Becky frowned at the floor, picking at the hideous blue carpet. "Ha,  you little bitch. Did she break your little heart?" Carleigh mocked, swirling a bottle of whiskey in front of her face.

"Bitch," I muttered, grazing the bruise on my face with my fingers. It hurt, but not as much as the throbbing hole in my chest I'd yet to admit to myself existed. "What? It's not my fault you played her, and now you're sad your little priss left you. What did you expect her to do, say thank you?" I wanted to punch Carleigh in her ugly ass face.

"I'm glad she's gone anyways," Nat said to Carleigh. "Ugh, she was so stuck up! Like, take a step off of your pedestal. She was such a nun! And when she got drunk... it was like watching a dog walk on its hind legs-"

"Shut the fuck up! It's not her fault she has actual standards, instead of offering her body to every damn guy she meets! You're half the woman she is." It tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

Nat only laughed, tossing her unrealistic weave over her shoulder. "'Woman? Listen to yourself! She's like... Twelve." "Aw, little Mike finally caught feelings," Carleigh rolled her eyes. "Guys, stop." Becky said quietly. She begged me countless times to call it off, and I wished I had listened to her.

Carleigh scoffed, taking another drink. "Becky, you're just as guilty as we are." "No she's not." I defended her.

"You guys really are bitches. You didn't know her! I didn't talk to her much after a while, but... she was a nice girl. And she just got ruined! You shouldn't talk about her like that, I can't imagine what she must be feeling right now." Her gaze was sharp as she looked at me, then crossed her arms with a huff. Jay was nowhere to be found, he was probably crying somewhere.

Fuck Carleigh. Fuck Nat. Fuck me.

"Where is she?" Becky finally asked, and still denying the growing pain inside of me, I shrugged, reaching for something to drink. "Probably crying in her dorm." Becky scoffed, standing quickly. "You're such a damn bastard! After what you did to her, you can't even fucking apologize!? I hope she never comes back to you, Michael."

She opened the door, and Ana was standing in the doorway. Carleigh started cackling, but I didn't even look at her. "Are you happy now?" Ana called to me, but I ignored her. She's just some bitch.

"Where is she?" Becky asked softly. "In her dorm... I can hear her crying. It kind of smells like... whiskey." My eyes widened, and my head snapped to the side. She shouldn't drink, she's too beautiful, too perfect. I shook the thought from my head, and as they disappeared I wanted desperately to follow behind them.

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