Chapter 44

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Skipper's POV

My back stings every time I lean back against my leather car seat, so I sit up straight as a board as I drive back home.

I have to pass through Michael's neighborhood to get there. I wonder what was up with him earlier, he was acting weird... I hope he's not mad at me. We've been through too much lately to get mad at each other over petty things.

I decide to drop by to see what's up, and pull into his driveway when I pass it. I turn off the car and walk nervously up the long driveway, chewing my lip. I was half hoping the front door would be open, since that's how it always was during his parties, but it isn't. It is shut tight, and doesn't give even a bit when I jiggle the doorknob. So, I ring the doorbell, and stand there to wait.

Every time the wind blows, my back stings, so if he would hurry up that would be nice. I let a few moments pass, and as I go to ring the doorbell again, I hear the sound of multiple locks clicking on the other side of the door. The door opens a crack, but I can't see inside. "Who is it?" "Michael, it's me." I place my hand on the door.

"Oh." He pulls the door open, but walks away before I can greet him. "Okay..." I sigh quietly, walking in and shutting the door behind me. "Since when did you answer your door like that?" He shrugs indifferently, walking toward the staircase. "Michael," I call again as he begins to slowly climb the stairs.

"What? What do you want?" He snaps, and I jump back at the harshness of his words. "I just wanted to see you." He pauses for a moment, falters for just a second, before he continues to scale the stairs. "Are you mad at me?" My voice is puny and pathetic, and I hate it. "No, Skipper, I'm not 'mad at you.'"

It seems like he is mocking me as I follow him up the stairs. "Really? Then why are you being so rude to me?" He slams his bedroom door open, and I follow him inside. "Seriously!" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Aw, did I hurt you? Why don't you go cry to 'Daddy,' because you don't seem to want me anymore." His harshness slaps me in my face, and the reasoning behind his anger shocks me even more. "What? That is what this is about? You're mad at me because I'm finally connecting with my father? Are you kidding?" It's a legitimate question, because my heart refuses to believe Michael would ever do this.

"No, I'm not fucking kidding! You spend all your time these days sitting on his fucking lap! You've been on your own for the longest time, I never imagined you backtracking now!" "Yes, I was on my own Michael, and it was terrible! Excuse me for wanting a relationship with my only surviving parent."

"Oh, don't you pull that shit on me now," He laughs cruelly, shaking his head. "You've really reached a new level! Last time I checked, you didn't want a father, and you didn't care that your mother was dead! Too late to change your mind now!" "Don't you dare!" I scream at him, "I miss Moonsie everyday! I miss our baby everyday!"

His glare sends shivers down my spine, as he freezes in place. "Don't fucking bring that up to me!" He growls, quietly, his eyes turning into a fiery inferno of rage. "You have no idea, Michael, so sorry for finally getting the relationship with my dad I always wanted!"

"Oh, bite me!" "Very mature!" I tug at the roots of my hair as edges toward the bathroom. "The relationship you 'always wanted?' Yeah right!" "I was a brat before, when he was in the hospital! I didn't know what I wanted, I was confused! I know now, and I have it!" "Alright, Daddy's Girl, why don't you leave me alone and go see him?"

"Daddy's girl? Really?" He shrugs, licking his lips. He spat it at me, like its something to be ashamed of. "I said it. It's true," He defends himself. "I am not a 'Daddy's Girl,' whatever that's supposed to mean!" "Oh really?" He goes into the bathroom, and I hear the sound of the shower running. "What are you doing?" "I was going to take a damn shower, before you came along."

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