Chapter 25

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Skipper's POV

I bit my lip with concentration as I trash yet another concluding statement I wrote for my article. Nothing I write seems to be satisfactory, and it's even harder to focus with what's going around me.

I don't play sports, not in any way, shape, or form, and that's why now, during gym, I requested to play chess instead of volleyball. I told the coach I wanted to 'exercise my brain.'

I have nothing against chess or anything, but there was no fucking way I was gonna sit there and play with little pieces of wood by myself. I took the chess set they gave me, and proceeded to work on my article. I have four more days to complete it, and in the three days I've been back from the wedding, it's all I've been doing.

Besides my nightly outings with Blake to distribute our 'product.'

Apparently, I'm supposed to be on constant watch now, since Sperm Donor practically lost an eyeball whenever I came back. He was more angry with he who shall not me named, who I haven't seen since I ended it between us. Anyways, they're definitely not watching me close enough.

I pretend to move a chess piece when the coach walks by, and give him an endearing smile. As I'm looking up, I spot a figure in black walking across the gym. No... What the hell?

"Hm... A game. Delicious." Is X talking about me, or the game? From the way his eyes narrow as he approaches the bleachers I am seated on, I would say... Both.

"I'm not playing that." I tap the end of my pencil against my notebook with a sigh. He takes a seat on the other side of the chess board sitting next to me, and looks over. "Long time no see." "What we're you doing at the airport?"

He laughs, licking his lips. "You're gonna have to be a bit more specific, love." "The day I left for... the day I left, I saw you on the landing pad at the airport. Why?" "I have a private jet, and it needed a repair. I was simply overseeing."

He has a private jet, and an explanation for everything. Of course he does. What does he do for a living, that allows him to be here all the damn time, but he still has loads of money? "Ok, but why are you here? And how?"

"To see you, of course. Where have you been?" "So you just came here... And walked into the gym?" "How many times do I have to explain it, darling? Now... Let's play this game."

This man is infatuated with games. That literally scares me.

"Um... Ok." He chooses to be the black chess pieces, so I have to choose white. "Why don't you play volleyball with those other girls... And their short shorts..." He glances at them, but not in the perverted away I thought he would. He looks at them with an air of disgust.

"I'm not those other girls." I simply shrug, watching as he assembles his pieces on the board.

He stares at me intently as he moves his pieces around the board, and I try to counter him. That was a waste of time, because the way he expertly moves the chess pieces around the board is intimidating. Extremely. As he plays, I have to wonder... This is probably symbolism for his life. His life is a chess game, and I am becoming one of the pieces. The more I see him, the more I feel like a piece in his game.

"Checkmate." He smirks deeply, eyeballing me for my reaction when I realize he's beaten me in five moves. "Um..."

"You should come out to play some time, Skipper. I miss you." He winks. And as fast as he came to me, he is gone.

'Come out to play?'


"You do know you'll be asked onto the stand during the trial, right? You will be cross examined, and it can be a scary thing for young people."

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