Chapter 26

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Michael's POV

"... I am the water, and you are the oil. So stay away from me."

"I'm not your baby, Michael!"

"I'm done! I'm done being 'friends,' I'm done trying to fix you, I'm done associating with you, I'm done even acknowledging you exist! I'm done! Finished!"

"Goodbye, Michael."

Skipper's bitter words haunt me every time I close my eyes, ricocheting through my mind, consuming every other thought whole. I yearn for her the way an orphan yearns for parents, the way a drowning sailor yearns for land. It's a deep, everlasting pit inside of me, that can only be filled by one thing, and one thing only.

"Michael!" She is calling my name, with anger, with frustration, and it is my fault. She has every right to hate me, to never want to lay eyes on me again. Asking her to be with me once more would be sick on my part, but I know that there will a come a time when I won't be able to help myself.

I can barely feel my legs as I walk up my driveway in the dead of night. I stayed at Kate's for as long as I could, until she got tired of seeing my face everyday. Watching me mope, watching me cry. She kept me from the alcohol, which was smart on her part, and annoying on mine. I ached for the familiar burn of whiskey cascading down into me, the hot sensation would surely take my mind off of her. I'm sure Kate didn't care about my well-being, she probably wanted to protect her precious wedding gifts from destruction.

"Michael? Michael!" Someone put me out of my misery already.

"Michael!" Prince shakes my shoulders, glaring daggers at me in the night. "What?" I snap, backing away quickly, and walking around him. "You know what! How could you take her away from campus? I trusted you!" "It was my mother's wedding." I answer without emotion as he speed walks to keep up with me.

"Don't worry, it won't be happening again. Trust me." "You're damn right, it's not! You've lost my trust Michael, and it's hard to get that back!" "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I give you the impression that I give a fuck? Because I don't!" He stares at me in the dark, challenging me, threatening me.

"Fuck this," I groan, opening my front door and storming into the house. I attempt to slam the door, but Prince catches his foot on it, following me inside. "So you don't care then, huh? You don't care that you ruined our friendship by getting involved with my daughter?"

I roll my eyes, and seconds later the phone rings, distracting me from Prince's annoying rant. "Yes, that's what I'm telling you, now could you shut up for a moment?" He scoffs, shaking his head with disbelief as I pick up the phone.

"What?" I snap into the receiver, glancing at Prince as he runs a hand over his hair. "Yes? This is Maxine at the Manhattan Police Station... I was told to call this number if a... 'Skipper Nelson' showed up here? Well... here she is, and I need someone to come pick her up before I end up calling the police."

"Um... thank you for your call." "Wait, is anyone coming to-" I hang up the phone on 'Maxine' and turn to face Prince again. "Um.... we're gonna need to head down to the Manhattan Police station." Prince rolls his eyes at me, obviously irritated by our previous conversation.

"And why would we need to do that?"

"Skipper is there." I swallow with a dry mouth.

"Jesus Christ."


Skipper's POV

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Sperm Donor's voice is a blur, none of his words hit home inside of my head. Truthfully, I don't give a damn about anything he has to say, as I sit in this holding cell, staring.

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