Chapter 3

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My eyes fly open, my breath hitching, but I don't see the room around me.

I see the heated memories of last night. I see Will coming out of the bathroom, with wet hair and a mere towel wrapped around his waist shielding his naked body from me. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me, and I stared at the swirling black ink on his chest.

I had already showered, but I didn't have clothes, so I wore one of his T-shirts.

Then I see us kissing again. I see us in the bed, tangled in the sheets, I hear the things he whispered in my ear. I remember myself comparing them to the things Michael said.

I see his mouth all over my skin, I feel myself gripping the bed with pleasure. I see things I don't want to describe. I see him inside of me. I hear him say 'I love you,' over and over.

I don't know how to feel about that, and I certainly didn't say it back. He probably didn't mean it anyways, it was just the heat of passion, and those words aren't on the best terms with me right now for obvious reasons. The fact that he said it just won't leave my mind.

I pull myself back into reality, blinking a few times, and taking a deep breath. Now I feel him next to me, I feel his arm holding me to his chest, his fingers still interlaced in mine. I see the clock on the nightstand, telling me the alarm will go off in two minutes.

I look around the expensively furnished bedroom, and the glass window that makes up one entire wall of it. Cars race down the streets, it's not even 5 am, but this city never sleeps. I knew being a brain surgeon paid extremely well, but I never imagined Will living in a Penthouse on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

I focus on the feeling of his chest pushing against my back with every breath he takes, until the alarm goes off. I don't jump, I was expecting it, but he does, his hand squeezing mine. "Good Morning, sunshine," He says, his voice heavy and thick with sleep. I realize he's referencing the last time I slept here.

"Yeah." I almost whisper, stretching my arms. He leans close, planting a few kisses on my cheek. I give an involuntary giggle, shrugging him off. "Come on, stop playing around. Pre-rounds start in half an hour." "Fuck pre-rounds. Or you... again." I roll my eyes, sitting up with the sheets covering my naked body. "Don't be gross."

"You didn't think it was gross last night." I sigh, standing and taking the sheet to cover myself. "If you don't wanna do pre-rounds, that's cool, but I'm taking a shower." "You can't wash me off of you. Sorry.... I'm permanent."

The hot water feels great, but does nothing to clear my head. I've had sex two times with two different men. I wish they would switch personas. Will would never hurt me the way Michael has, in many ways he's a perfect match. Michael hurts me constantly, and if he were my boss I could avoid being a whore. I feel like one.

A nagging part of me tells me I only had sex with Will to attempt to fill a void Michael left in me, and I know it didn't work. Another larger part of me tells me if I pretend for long enough, Will is eventually gonna be enough for me.

The same part of me that nagged about being a whore tells me that I've had sex twice and used a condom neither time. I shut off the water with a sigh, pull on last night's clothes, and meet Will downstairs.

I wrinkle my nose at the smell of bacon, and he laughs as the pieces of meat sizzle on the stove. "Normal people eat bacon." "It's probably carcinogen." He rolls his eyes, picking up a piece out of the pan he's cooking with. "Do you have proof?" I only chuckle.

"So... it's the middle of the week. You have school, don't you?" I don't answer, drifting over to the piano on the other side of the room. "Do you play?" "Junior. School?" It's too late to start acting like my dad, he's already established a different role.

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