Chapter 50

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OMJ Chapter 50???? A few more sure fire things are going to happen in this book, but it won't last forever. Uh oh... do I smell a third (and final) book in the series? *cough cough* SLIPPER *cough cough*

Anyways, enjoy the chapter lovelies! xx

Michael's POV

A horrible feeling sank into the pit of my stomach the moment Skipper looked at me three nights ago. She stood in the center of my bedroom, such a lost look in her coppery eyes, staring at me. What happened next wasn't so bad, I would never pass up the chance to make love to her, but then she... disappeared. Just got up and left for no reason. Delano was downstairs. I don't know how she avoided Skipper. The bitch.

Next, she ignored me for two days. Or at least she didn't come to school, or talk to anyone. And on the third day, she came to school. All she did was absentmindedly hold my hand, and stare off at some imaginary point, far in the distance. Something about her behavior stuck me, her toneless voice, the long and drawn expression she wore. I know she's been down lately, especially with the X case going on, but it's worse now, like she's some sort of shell.

I toss my jacket over my shoulder as I slip into her house, shaking the droplets of freezing rain from the cold leather. All is quiet in the house. The large and open doorway leading to the front room is dimly lit, an eerie orange glow leaping from the walls to the floor, and back again.

My footsteps sound against the flawless pale marble, echoing up into the foyer, unanswered. My feet carry me into the orange glow, which happens to be coming from the great fireplace in the front room by which Prince is seated. He stares into the dancing flames, a neutral expression on his face. His hands are neatly folded. I expected him to be in bed... I wanted to talk to Skipper alone. He doesn't seem to be down with that as of late.

"Hey." His body jolts slightly, and his eyes dart up to meet mine. The color is distorted with the reflection of the fire. "What're you doing here, Michael? It's nearly midnight, and you have school tomorrow." His voice is almost as toneless as Skippers. Not accusing, not angry. Just... there.

"I came to see Skipper." I answer, and his mouth sets into a hard line. "Well, forget it, she's asleep. She doesn't need regular company, anyways." I fight off a scowl, and flex my fingers at my sides. "Really? That's funny, because I thought she was my girlfriend, and that I could see her any time I wanted to." I don't try hard to quell the anger edging into my voice.

"Are you screwing my daughter, Michael?" I furrow my eyebrows, glaring at him. He's her father, he shouldn't use that language about his own spawn. But, any way he puts it... I am. "Yeah, and? She's my girl."

"No... she's my girl." "Uh..." His movements are oily slick as he lifts his small-framed body from the couch, and strolls slowly in my direction. "She's my daughter, and I don't want you to have sex with her. I don't want you to touch her." "Oh come on," I snicker, but I am met with stony eyes. "Keep your dick in your pants, Michael." Even I am uncomfortable with his language.

"What does it matter? I love her."

"I want you to take a break from her." Anger bubbles in my chest, threatening to spill over. "What?" My voice is dark now.

"I don't know if you love her, or her body. And I don't want to risk her getting hurt again." "You know, if she found out you were doing this, she would hate you." "Funny thing about that is... I don't think she'll find out." He almost growls at me, the light of the fire flickering and dancing over his face. "I love her." "Oh really?" He challenges, stepping closer to me.

"Yeah-" "You've done nothing to prove to her, me, or yourself that you truly love her. All you've done is hurt her over and over. Do you really think I was stupid enough to believe you were actually together before she got raped? And where were you when that happened, huh? Cheating on her? Breaking her heart?"

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